Pokémon Blaze and Furukawa- Chapter 8- The Impossible Challenge; Get into Celadon GYM!


Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability, typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory!   

"So, Miakko, what is your next destination?" asked Aaron.

"Celadon City. It has a grass type GYM."

"I see. I can give you a drive there if you want to. You helped me so much with the case two days ago."

During the time that passed since the clever thinking of Miakko, and the stupidity of Aaron Miakko took her time to train her Pokémon. Charmander evolved to Charmeleon during those two days. Miakko battled many trainers. She lost some of the battles, but still won some of the as well. But one thing was clear to me; her Chikorita couldn't keep up with the increasing level of the trainers who evolved their Pokémon as well. Miakko tried not to think about that. She repressed her thoughts about that. "That was just an unlucky battle.", "He won just because he had a lucky critical hit.", "He surprised me with a super effective move", "He predicted my switching.". In short; Miakko told to herself any excuse that one could think of. But not the obvious one; Chikorita is weak!

"Aaron, why did you become a detective in the first place?" Miakko asked during the drive to Celadon City.

"Do you really want to know? You care about me?"

"Well… I don't dislike you. Our detective mission was fun." Miakko smiled.

"It is because of my friend, Amose."

"Oh so he was your mentor or something?"

"Amose is dead."

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Miakko apologized. "I didn't know. I shouldn't have asked."

"It is fine, I brought this up. It has been such a long time since he was killed. I didn't even see his corpse, but the psychiatrist of our town, Saica, told us he was murdered."

"Did someone have a grudge against him?"

"Amose was a pure boy. We worked together in a meat factory. Amose really liked sausages and ate them every day. It is wonder how he didn't become fat. But who could have done it?! This is why I became a detective! To find this insane psychopath who killed him with no reason!"  "Two months later I met Reuben. He helped to endure my grudge for the killer. Reuben knew he couldn't replace Amose, but he still became my friend, knowing that he will be number two forever. This is why I respect Reuben so much."

"What about Moho Sama? How did you learn about him?"

"I saw him in one of my missions. He raped a man. I couldn't see his face since it was so dark at that night, but his bright M tattoo was shining. That's the only thing I saw."

"Then how do you know that he has an orange hair?"

"This is going to the dark places are sure do you want to know?"

"I guess…" Miakko didn't really want to know, but she had to give Aaron to pour his heart out. She knew that she'd want to have someone to help her when she needed.

"That man… I found him dead at the morning. I found orange hairs inside his butthole…"

"Wait do you mean…?" Miakko REALLY didn't want to know.

"Exactly! Moho Sama's dick's hairs!"

"Oh GOD…."

"But since that man was a team Rocket member, nobody cared for him. 'Villians such as him are better as dead' they said. Therefore I was told to not even trying to investigate!". Despite what Aaron said, Miakko actually was at the side of his superiors. Miakko believed in the human rights, but not for those take them from others. There was also not distinctive proof that was Moho Sama, as Aaron himself didn't even see him in person.


Aaron stopped at Saffron City. Miakko thanked him for the drive, and she moved passed the east station of the city that will lead her to Celadon. "Stop!!!!" called the officer. "You can't pass through here."

"But I have to go to Celadon!" complained Miakko.

"Only those who bring a tea can pass. That's the law."

"Fine. Where is the closest place I can buy you a tea?"

"Celadon City." He answered.

'Now it really doesn't make any sense…' Miakko was thinking. She wondered what she can do.

"I'll give you cum!" a smooth familiar voice was heard. It was Nog.

"Cum?!!!! Give it to me!!!!!!" implored the officer.

"Only if you'll let this woman pass!" Matoi decided. "She is our friend!". Despite he didn't lie, Miakko is their friend, Matoi worried that the officer will refuse. He really wanted to have sex with his nice abs.

"Who needs tea when you can have cum!!!" the officer threw away his shirt and drew smoothly his belt and joined the triple H.


Miakko decided it was the time to add another member to her party. She wanted that every Pokémon will be special for her; therefore she didn't catch anything she saw, only a select few that she was interested in. She wanted also to save the money for TMs, and for her journey. She didn't want to waste her money on Pokeballs for Pokémon she won't use when she could use the money on eating a decent meal or a fair shower. She walked at the dense grass for some time. She found some decent Pokémon. Vulpix, Growlithe, Abra. No, they won't do. Then she saw an adorable Pokémon: Long ears, big fluffy tail, and a white mane. This thing was like a canine and a feline combined; an Eevee! Miakko decided to catch it. She sneaked slowly, took careful thinking of each of her steps. She had to be careful; Eevees usually have very good sense of hearing due to the shape of their ears. She had to defeat it without making it faint. One of the laws that Elite Four established that it is illegal to catch a Pokémon while it is unconscious. It was created so the Pokemon could know its trainer beforehand. In my opinion it was pretty dumb law, but I guess that nobody cares for my opinion. Wait… on a second thought… I forgot! I'm a Pokémon! A Fucking Arceus! Could there be a chance that someone will try to capture me?! No, no way…

Miakko had her own trick to capture the Eevee. Scyther has a move called "False Swipe". What the move does, it is that no matter what, it won't make the foe faint; a perfect move for capturing Pokémon. She caught the Eevee and went right away to the Pokémon Center. She saw a familiar figure. "Brazle!" she called.

"Miakko! I was looking for you!" then she saw her Chikorita. "You still have her."

"Of course, I won't let her go! She is my friend. I'm going now for my second GYM, how many budges do you already have?"

"Two. I beat Blaine and Brock. What was your first GYM battle?"

"It was against Misty."

"Misty? I guess that Chikorita did most of the work for you. But listen Miakko, from now on battles will be harder. You can't rely on her."

"She was great help for sure. But I won mostly thanks to Charmander."

'Cha- Charmander? What's going on?! How could she defeat Misty with it?!' she was thinking. "Miakko! I must see that Charmander on battle. I'm going to watch your second GYM battle!" she said.


Brazle and Miakko walked toward the Celadon Grass GYM. A huge bush blocked the road for GYM between the deep walls of the garden. "God dammit! It grew up again?! Fuck you Erika!" swore the gardener of the place. "Sorry girls. My shitty employer, Erika decided it was a good idea to put here a magical bush that grows up every time someone comes out of the GYM!" he continued. "She said that she wants that the challengers will be prepared beforehand with a fire Pokémon. The idea was that to put them to test of the type charts! But she is insane! Not everyone has fire types. Sure, you can catch a Vulpix or a Growlithe at the nearby field, but still! It doesn't help that they could ignite the entire city by a single error. But she doesn't care! So she decided to put me to work 24/7! I told her that I have a wife and two young boys but she won't let me go home, even when the GYM is closed! I can't even quit my job since nobody needs gardeners these days! I If I'll quit my wife will divorce me! She probably already has a netorare lover. But can I blame her?! I've been neglecting her for years! All because of Erika!"

"If it helps, we can listen for more. I'm sorry for you." said Miakko.

"No. That's fine!" he said and cut the bush. Nobody knew what befell of the gardener later on. The rumor was that he committed a suicide. The rumor was also that his wife spread the rumor so she could become one with her netorare lover.


An old man looked through the windows of Celadon GYM "Amazing! There are so many strong trainers here!"

"What?! There are strong hot men with big muscles there?! Let me see!" Matoi got excited. "My eyes!!!!!!" he screamed and fell on his butt.

"Wow they are so hot?!" Nog got excited as well and watched. "Arghhhhhh!!!!!" he screamed. "Old man! You lied to us! Those are girls with a Kimono! What is so strong about them?!"

"There is a GYM trainer. She is strong." said the old man.

Nog and Matoi punched the geezer "You lied to us! You piece of shit!" they kicked him again and again. "Learn your manners old man!"

Miakko appeared along with Brazle "Nog, Matoi, what are you doing?"

"No- nothing! We gave this nice man a massage!" said Matoi.

"Miakko… do you know those wierdos? I met them once, and they are insane…" Brazle whispered to Miakko's ear.

"Yeah. We are friends. They are a bit crazy. But they are good people."

"Just a 'bit'?!"

Miakko went inside the GYM. Erika was waiting for her inside, sitting in a Seiza posture. Despite her smiling face, and innocent eyes, one thing was certain to me; this woman is a Mightyena in Wooloo's clothing, a pure monster. Nog who was watching with Brazle and Matoi, tried to sit properly as well, but hurt his back less than three seconds. This monster, Erika, also hurts physically the challengers. She destroys families, the nature, everything! I can't forgive her. Miakko, beat that piece of shit!!!! Erika fluttered her fan and accepted the challenger. "It will be a battle of three Pokémon of mine against six of yours. Go, Bonsly!" The small Bonsai Pokémon appeared. Miakko, be careful, it is a trap!!!!

"Then I'll go with Scyther!" she said. Miakko fell for her trap. "Wing attack!" she called. Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!

The Bonsly survived. In fact, the Wing Attack barely did any damage. Erika ordered Bonsly to use Rock Throw. It destroyed the mantis with one hit. This is how cruel this woman is; she uses imposters! Bonsly isn't grass type Pokémon, but a rock type. As you see, the grass type has a weakness for five types; fire, ice, bug, flying, and poison. Out of those five, the only type that isn't weak to rock is poison. Which means; the rock type is the perfect type to impersonate as a grass type.

"Then I'll go with Charmeleon!" called Miakko. "Dragon Breath!". The blue dragon flames move destroyed Bonsly with one hit. At this point, Dragon Rage was already next to useless compared to Dragon Breath. As the Pokémon of the opponents are stronger, so is their HP stat.

"Go, Parasect!" ordered Erika.

"Fire Fang!" Charmeleon destroyed this shitty mushroom with one hit of four times super effective move.

"Then go, my last Pokémon! Tangela." This Pokémon was very weird. No one can see its face that is hidden beneath of a vine on vine.

"Oh my god!" Matoi was shocked. "Moho Sama will love this Pokémon! The perfect creature for fantasy gay porn movies!"

"Oh yeah. Those movies…" Nog recalled a movie he watched before. "When the hero was raped by thousands of men and swore to revenge but then realized that he fell in love with them so he sold himself as a sex slaves. Such a great movie!". Nog took out his phone and shot a photo of this walking porn monster for his beloved master.

"Fire Fang again!" called Miakko and so did the Charmeleon. However, it didn't do much damage. For three reasons; the first one, Tangela has very high physical defense. Second, Charmeleon doesn't have the best physical attack. And third, which Miakko had no way of knowing, it held Eviolite, an item that increases the defenses of unevolved Pokémon. Tangela's physical defense is very similar to Tangrowth's, making it even stronger than Tangrowth's physical defense when using an Eviolite.

"Confusion!" ordered Erika.

Miakko decided to change strategy. As she saw that physical moves don't do enough damage, she used Ember. Ember might be weaker than Fire Fang, but when it comes to the stats of Charmeleon compared to Tangela, Ember is better. It took two times of using the move, giving Miakko the victory. That's when Brazle realized, that Charmeleon is strong. If she won't be careful, it could cost her championship if she won't take it seriously.                                                

Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 56- Homo Sama's Husband

  Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them master...