Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 50- The Wives of the Hero Who Was Trying to Save a Child from a Pedophile But Failed!


Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability, typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory!


Aaron has gathered everyone. And I mean by that… EVERYONE! Not only his friends, but Alicia and Ben as well, and Shirr's and Brazle's family as well…

"What does he want from us…? We don't even know him…" Brazle's younger brother said.

"Shh… Abas, don't be rude." His mother scolded him.

"Meet my girlfriend, Ami. We finally made up. Ryu, Amose, it was thanks to you guys."

"Wow Aaron, your girlfriend is pretty hot." Nog said.

Ami was blushing.

"WHAT DA FUCK Nog?!!!! So you are not gay? So all this time you liked girls as well?!!!!!" Uzib yelled.

"Uzib, didn't I tell you? I'm similar to you. I like mostly men but some girls can attract me."

"What?!!!! After all the shit you gave me for liking Miakko?!!!! You hypocrite!!!!"

"That's because I just don't like you."

Uzib went outside to cry alone like a baby.

"So why did you gather us? It wasn't just to show off your girlfriend, right?" Shirr assumed.

"It wasn't just that." Ami said. "It is because I'm here as a challenger for the Single League. I just wanted to meet some of my rivals. Miakko, I wanted to meet you. I hope I'll have the chance to battle you."

"I won't lose." Miakko said.

"That's what I wanted to hear. Also, Ryu, Waiareas, good luck at your next match. You'll need it."


"Oded has gotten blind." Hassel reported to Leon.

"… Seriously? What happened?"

"He drunk the Blind Eyes Coffee that Ace was talking about. Its side effect make people go blind. What you'll do about it?! We need another commentator to replace him for tomorrow's matches!"

"Don't worry about it. Since I've seen how many GYM Leaders lost their lives I knew there was some curse. I came prepared. There are ten commentators who can replace each other if something bad happens."

"ONLY TEN?!!!!!!"

"… Shit! You are right. I don't think it is enough!"


The next day was Waiareas' and Ryu's next match. Kobi was sitting at the commentators' seats and to him joined Tal Morally, the commentator that Leon chose to replace Oded who lost his eyesight. Kobi called "Here they are, Furukawa Waiareas and his wife Furukawa Ryu. Welcome them!"

"Indeed. They have shown us a great match a few days ago." Tal had no idea what he was talking about. He didn't bother to watch the matches he didn't commentate on "Now welcome the opposing team! Those two are lesbian wives! Phanta and Keenlee… What the fuck is this surname…"

'Just say the surname' Kobi whispered

'This surname is ridiculous…'

'Just say it…'

"Phanta and Keenlee Mister Taxi Driver!"

One fat mature dark skinned woman came in along with her young white skinned wife. "Wait… I know them!" Miakko was erupted.

"… Those are Mister Taxi Driver's wife and lover… What's going on…" Aaron was in shock.


Nearly two years ago…

It was Mister Taxi Driver's funeral after his corpse was discovered by Aaron and Miakko. "My husband! Why did you leave me alone?!" Phanta cried.

"My lover! My life! What I'll do without you?!" Keenlee cried as well "I love you!"

"Wait… WHAT?!!!!"

"So all this time my lover had a wife?!!!!" Keenlee yelled "I hate him! He deserved to die!"

"So our partner was an asshole cheater! Fuck him! He was no hero!" Phanta cursed her dead husband. "But I gotta say… he had a great taste in women…"

"I have to say the same. You are kinda hot for your age."

That night they fucked.

"Listen Phanta! Let's marry!"

"What about your child?!"

"I'll leave him at an orphanage! You don't know what I feel for you…"

"Then we have to choose a surname for us..."

"How about 'Mister Taxi Driver'? He was ass, but thanks to him I met you!"

"Alright Keenlee. This will be our new surname!"


"Let's go Phanta! Let's beat those two! We'll show them our love!"

"Why everyone in is tournament is fucked up in the head?!" Kobi screamed. "Anyway… match… start…"

"Go! Tyranitar!" Phanta summoned the giant dinosaur.

"It is your time! Excadriil!" her wife summoned the drill thing. I wonder if she chose this thing because it reminded her something from her bedroom…

Ryu summoned her Sneasler. And Waiareas went with Pidgeot. Tyranitar's ability, Sand Stream was activated. This ability creates a sandstorm. It has many effects. For example, it increases Rock Types' Special Defense, and damages every Pokémon that isn't Rock, Steel, or Ground types, or has an ability that benefits from the Sandstorm effect. Excadrill's ability makes it become faster during this field effect.

"Shit!!!!!!!! My eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hassel screamed when the sand damaged his eyes. "Activate the damn Pokémon Field Energy Protection Force!!!!"

Waiareas and Ryu already knew what they have to do against this Sandstorm strategy. They knew that Excadrill is going to attack at full force and speed.

Keenlee decided to attack. She assumed that Ryu and Waiareas are going to switch. Therefore she ordered her Excadrill to use Rock Slide which hits both of the opposing Pokémon. Despite that, Phanta also knew it won't be enough to defeat the Sneasler, and her Tyranitar was at a huge risk to be defeated with only one Fighting type move. She switched to Alakazam. Ryu switched to Arcanine, and Waiareas switched to Kabutops. Due to Arcanine's ability, Intimidate, both of Arcanine and Kabutops took less damage from Rock Slide. But another thing happened, which was the Furukawas' plan. Kabutops' ability, Weak Armor was activated by getting hit. When it happens, it lowers its defense, but increases its speed. The phase was over, and only Arcanine took damage. Alakazam, despite being Psychic Type, did not. Its ability, Magic Coat protected it. It protects the user from everything but direct damage. It makes it unaffected by poisoning, field effect, entry hazard, etc. Alakazam was their perfect member from their Sandstorm team.


"Great move." Keenlee said "But did you really think you have won? It is true that your Kabutops might be faster, but you've made a crucial mistake. It was summoning Arcanine."

"Arcanine's Intimidate is great ability, isn't it?" Phanta said. "But our team is build right for cases like those."

"What the hell are they talking about?" Matoi said. "Waiareas' move switching to Kabutops was perfect."

"… No… it wasn't." Shirr realized "It looks great on paper. But it isn't! Those Mister Taxi Driver women know what they are doing!"

"Mega Evolution!!!!!" Phanta called. "Mega Alakazam!!!!"

"What the…" Waiareas was surprised.

"Mega Alakazam's special ability! Trace! Go, copy Intimidate!" she called.

Waiareas ordered his Kabutops to use Liquidation on Keenlee's Excadrill which missed the kill due to the copied Intimidate. With Mega Alakazam's Energy Ball, and Excadrill's Drill Run, Ryu and Waiareas lost two of their Pokémon. However, due to Alakazam losing Magic Coat upon Mega Evolving it was damaged a bit.


Ryu summoned her Vaporeon and Waiareas summoned his Empoleon. Waiareas ordered his Empoleon to attack with Aqua Jet. It was enough to defeat the Excadrill. Ryu ordered her Vaporeon to use Protect and she was protected from Alakazam's Energy Ball. Due to the Sandstorm, both Alakazam and Vaporeon were damaged. Emepoleon was unaffected due to its Steel Type.


Keenlee summoned her Steelix. She right away Mega Evolved it. She knew its defenses will be enough to handle along with Mega Alakazam to defeat that Empoleon. Well… she didn't think about one single hidden card the Furukawa had in their sleeves. Phanta ordered her Alakazam to use Energy Ball on Vaporeon. It wasn't enough to defeat it, but that's okay, that's why they have Steelix.

… Steelix isn't going to attack even once, I'll tell you that.

"Vaporeon! Use Growl!" Ryu ordered.

Everyone at the crowd laughed at her terrible move and mocked her. But Ryu knew what she's doing. "Loser!!!!!! Take it seriously!!!!" someone shouted.

"Miakko… I don't mean to be rude… but you've said your mother is strong…" Uzib said "It looks like a terrible move… Not to mention it Alakazam is a Special Attacker… She can just defeat Steelix right away with some move."

"Their goal isn't lowering the attack, it is increasing it. It is a brilliant move." Brazle said.

"I don't get it…" Matoi said.

"Empoleon's Ability has activated!" Waiareas called "Competitive! When one its stats is lowered its Special Attack is increased! Now go! Use Surf!"

… Mega Alakazam and Mega Steelix were defeated in a single hit. And Vaporeon was healed due to its ability, Water Absorb. When it is being hit a Water Type move, it is healed. Since Surf also attacks its allies, Vaporeon was healed instead.


Phanta Summoned her Cacturne, and Keenlee summoned her electric lizard Heliolisk. Both of them had the Sand Veil ability which increases the user evasion during Sandstorm. Waiareas and Ryu counted every single phase of the Sandstorm. They knew it is the last phase. Therefore, both of them used Protect to stall for time. And so, the sandstorm was over.

Ryu knew that Tyranitar is coming back and that Phanta is going to switch. How else she is going to activate her whole strategy? She switched her Vaporeon back to Sneasler, and as she expected, Phanta switched her Cacturne back to Tyranitar. Heliolisk used Thunderbolt on Empoleon and defeated it with a critical hit. With the effect of Sandstorm, Sneasler took a bit of damage, and after Emepoleon's defeat, Waiareas summoned his Pidgeot back to the field.


Despite defeating Empoleon, the Taxi Driver wives had to deal with Sneasler which can defeat Tyranitar in one hit. They were in a bad spot, despite the other Pokémon they had to deal with; Pidgeot couldn't do much to both Tyranitar and Heliolisk. In fact, Tyranitar was one of those Pokémon that Pidgeot didn't have even a single tool against it. They decided to order Tyranitar to use Protect, and to deal with Sneasler with their Heliolisk. They anticipated that Sneasler will attack Tyranitar. The Furukawas didn't have much choice but to attack it. If they won't then the match is over.

Waiareas activated his Mega Stone "Mega Evolution! Mega Pidgeot!"

"What?!" the Taxi couple were surprised. They didn't expect that. As by Mega Evolving, Pidgeot became the fastest Pokemon on the field. "It doesn't matter! What a Flying Type can do to Electric type?! Not to mention that our Heliolisk will evade better in the Sandstorm!"

"Mega Pidgeot's ability ignores that! It increases its accuracy!" Ryu called.

"What?! Damn!" Phanta was sure she is about to lose.

"This is not how it works by the way…" Miakko said to her friends. "Mama is just trying to scare them…"

"It isn't?" Shirr asked.

"It is true that the ability No Guard makes the accuracy of Pidgeot's move goes to one hundred percent, but it has nothing do Heliolisk's evasion. It is not the same thing. Papa is still betting here and there is a chance that Pidgeot might miss.

But it didn't miss! Hahahaha. The Heat Wave defeated Heliolisk. At this point the match was over. All Sneasler and Mega Pidgeot had to do is to use a super effective move on Tyranitiar and Cacturne. The Taxi wives had nothing they could do about it. And so, Ryu and Waiareas have won, and they were waiting for their next match; the quarter-finals!                         

Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 51- I'm the Baker! And Idan is Part of My Bakery!

  Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them master...