Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability, typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory!
I'm someone. You can call me
"Yahoveh", "Ahmed", "Raven", "Hikaru"
or any other name to your liking. Every name you'll wish for will be fine.
Wait, on a second thought, forget about "Hikaru"! I don't want to be
ever called like that! I despise that ugly name. Any other name will be fine.
However, most people nowadays call me "Arceus". I'm what most of the
people see as "God". This isn't the first time of me being a god. I
was once a god of a different dimension. Like any other god, I had my favorite
person as well. However, that person betrayed me. That asshole is the reason
I've been killed. He killed me along with his nemesis. Those two made a truce
and became friends. I'll never forgive him. I loved him as he was my son, but
he betrayed me. With me dying, nobody could tell the chronicles of that
dimension. And So, I created Time; this is how Dialga was born. At the same
time, I created Space in the form of Palkia. With Time and Space I only needed
to create my boy Earth again. Hopefully I'll live forever this time with nobody
to step into my business. Damn you my son of that dimension! Damn you!
"Mama!!!!!!" The six year
old young girl sucked by the dark fiendish stream. "Papa!!!!!!!"
"Miakko! Grab my hand!" the
mom stretched her arm, but with no use. The stream was too powerful.
"Miakko! No!!!!" cried her
father as he saw that his daughter was gone. The stream has vanished.
"Damn it!!!!" he punched his fist at the soil. "Miakko… she is
"Waiareas, look! There is
another stream." Pointed out his wife, Ryu, as she saw another dark stream
forms. It was much smaller though. "Waiareas, it is not over yet! We can
save Miakko!". The husband and the wife held hands and jumped through the
darkness into the unknown.
The first day of September 2017 has
come. Which meant one thing; it is the time for the usual Pokémon League
challenge to start! Inspiring trainers from all over the world will travel the
land, sea, and sky in order to collect the gym badges in order to participate
at the Pokémon League in order to become champions. Now they'll have the chance
to not working at boring office labor if they'll win and can have a job with more
"spice" to it! They will able to have fun and not banging their head
at the desk as if they were thinking that it will bring the words to the stupid
text file that their boss wants. Little they know that office job is the best
one for actual banging! Like really! Everyone knows that after that you finish
banging your head at desk, your colleague says something like "Want to go
that warehouse? I've heard it is a good place for a coffee…". And you of
course know what he means in reality. What can you do as a Pokémon Champion?
Bang near a corpse of a Lechonk in the wild?!
However, starting from 2017 there
were a few changes. First; no person under the age of 18 can participate at the
Pokémon League. As the challenge occurs once a year, it means they'll start at
age of 17. In the past, trainers of all ages could take the challenge. I don't
know what those stupid people were thinking. A kid who can't even cross the
road without his mom can go to a journey alone. Sure, make sense, right?!!! As
many children were hunted by pedophiles as easy meat, the government finally
established this new law. The second change was to make the challenge… well…
more challenging. Instead going to only one region, at 2017's challenge the
trainers will venture through Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola,
Galar, and Paldea. They'll need to earn now 13 badges, and beat one Island
Trial in Alola. They can get any badge they wish for, but they must get at
least one badge in each region, and aren't allowed to take down more than three
gyms of the same type specialty! At the same time, another challenge will take
place, but for double battles. Trainers who'll wish for to team together and go
through the entire challenge with an ally will able to do with the same rules.
At August 1 of 2018 the Pokémon League finals will start for the tag challenge,
then two weeks later will take place the solo finals. Oh what a year it is
going to be!
The sun shined upon Pallet Town of
the Kanto region. The Blaze family started preparing into the special day,
sending their daughter into the Pokemon Journey. Alicia Blaze was a 37 years
old single mother who raised her daughter, Miakko, by herself. Alicia works as
a mechanic, and you could always find a stain of tar on her clothes. That's why
she always tied her long brown hair in a low pony tail. Despite that, she had
two big and long gold bangs, as she wanted to look a bit more
"stylish". Alicia and Miakko lived on a two stories house, a common appearance
for a house in Pallet Town.
Miakko woke up early at the morning.
6:30 AM to be exact. She tied her light blue hair in a high pony tail. She
organized her three dark blue spiky bangs as usual. She wore her pink short
skirt, and wore her pink A shirt but with a bit darker tone to her skirt. She
put on her arms her red gloves which had a cube shape on them for a bit more
beautiful design. Then, she went to brush her teeth and arrived to eat the
"Have you already decided which
starter you want to pick?" asked Alicia.
"It is a secret!" giggled
Miakko while smeared her piece of bread with a butter that was made out of
Miltank milk.
"Why keep it a secret
"You won't laugh, mom?"
"I promise."
"It is Charmander. I want to
honor our family. It makes sense since we are called "Blaze"."
Alicia tried to restrain herself but
then she laughed a bit.
"You said that you won't laugh…
I shouldn't have told you…"
"No, no Miakko. I laugh because
it is a wonderful reason. Thank you, you are the best daughter I could ever ask
for." Alicia stood up from her seat. "Finish eating and let's go to
Professor Oak's lab, so you can start you journey too."
"Eh, mom, you are coming
"Of course, sending my daughter
is my joy. In the past of Ransei when children left their parents' house to
become samurai their parents did the same."
A knock sound on the door was heard.
"It is open!" said Miakko. "Brazle! It is you!"
"Hey, Miakko! I've came to pick
you up with me to our journey" said the 17 years old girl, Brazle Shine.
Brazle was two centimeters shorter than Miakko, at 173 cm. She had tied long
silver hair. Her eyelashes were long, and her pupils were white, unlike the
black of most people. Brazle wore a violet dress that showed her shoulders and
a nice chunk of her back.
The three arrived at Oak's lab after
a ten minutes' walk. They had to wait in the line for fifteen minutes so the
other trainers will choose their starter.
"Miakko! Brazle!" welcomed
them Oak. "Come. Choose any starter you want!"
"I'll choose after Miakko."
said Brazle.
Miakko looked at each of the Pokemon
eyes; Bulbasaur the grass frog, Squritle the water turtle, and Charmander the
fire lizard. But she already knew which one to take, it is Charmander.
"Then I'll take Squirtle"
said Brazle.
"Oh Brazle, is it because it
ends with "le" similar to your name? So we are on the same
"Huh? I don't care about that! I
chose it so I'll have a super effective Pokémon against you right from the get
go! I already told you, my goal is to defeat you!"
Screw you Brazle! You are the reason
that Oak has hordes of leftovers of Bulbasaur at his lab that no one will love
them. God! In the name of Arceus, why did I create humans to begin with?
"Brazle, you know it doesn't
matter in the end of the day, right? Once we'll catch more Pokémon and build
our teams the starting advantage won't matter."
"Well, well girls" said Oak
"No need to fight about that. The reasons for choosing your first Pokémon
don't matter in the end of the day. There are many types of trainers. It
doesn't matter as long you show love to your Pokémon. Remember Brazle; Pokémon
are our friends. It doesn't matter how great your strategies if you won't form
a bond with your team." He went and opened a big drawer. "Take those
Pokeballs and the Pokedex. They will help you in your journey."
Miakko took her bag and said
"Mom, I'm going!"
"Miakko, make sure to find
them!" said Alicia.
"Mom, I already told you. I
don't care about that. You are my mother."
"No. You have out there a father
and a mother who searches for you. Make sure to find them." said Alicia.
Miakko hugged her and went to her journey along with Brazle.
"She is a good girl, isn't
she?" said Oak to Alicia. "I clearly remember that day eleven years
"Indeed. Miakko gave me
happiness during that day." Alicia reminded herself of that day.
August 18, 2006.
It was unusual day for August. It was
rainy, extremely rainy. The Pidgeys didn't fly during that day due to the heavy
fog and pouring rain. Every few minutes dangerous lightning struck the earth.
The thunder sound that came right after was so loud that even an adult might be
scared and will wish to hide in the closet. Alicia Blaze sat in the car at the
back sits along with her parents. She wore a big white dress. That day, she was
going to be married to her fiancé who waited for her at Pallet Town's ceremony
hall. The car drove through Route 1 toward Pallet.
"It is a bit a shame that my
special day looks so ugly…" said Alicia.
"Don't worry about that Alicia.
Once we'll reach Pallet you'll forget about that and enjoy the day." said
her father. Then the car stopped moving. "What's going on?" he asked
the driver. "Why did you stop?!"
"Mr. Blaze, I'm sorry. The car
stopped due to heavy mud. I'll have to go outside to push the car!"
explained the driver.
"Then do it! We are in
"I can't do that alone! Mister,
help me push it!"
"What are you saying you idiot?!
For what I pay you?! I can't let my fancy clothes get dirty! We have a ceremony
to go for!". Alicia opened the door of the car. She heard something. Something
was guiding her. "Alicia! What the hell do you think you are doing?!
You'll ruin your expensive dress!". However Alicia didn't care for some
reason. Her father went after her and stepped on something. "Ahh! A dead
"Do you need a help with the
car?" came someone. It was Oak.
"Yes! Help us! Your help will
helpful! Thank you!" said the father.
Oak found at the mud a photo. It was
a picture of a happy family; one young blue haired girl, and her father and
mother. The father had extremely long hair which reached his feet, and the
mother had long and sharp eyelashes. He called for Alicia "Is this photo
is yours?" he asked.
"No. I don't know who those
people are. But they look happy.". Then due to the heavy rain, and the
fact that the photo was made out of a cheap paper, the photo was destroyed
completely. Alicia heard something, it was very slight sight, but she took a
step a bush nearby. The bush was covered in deep blood. On the ground was
another dead Rattata, then another one, then two giant Raticates corpses near a
blue haired young girl, crying, covered by red blood.
"What a young girl doing out
here?!" Alicia's father was shocked. "Those dead rats… did she kill
"What are you saying dad? There
is no way she could have killed them at such a young age. Even for adult it is
difficult enough to kill a Pokémon, even if it is weak as Raticate!"
Alicia realized that the girl is the one from the photo she just found.
"Mamaaaaaa!!!!!! Papaaaaa!!!!!
Where are you?!!!!!!" the young girl wouldn't stop crying.
"Young girl!" Alicia held
her and to her to the car. "What's your name?"
"What is your parents' name?
Your surname?"
"I…. I don't remember!"
said the girl and passed out.
"Let's take her to my lab!"
said Oak.
Alicia phone was ringing
"Alicia, my bride, where are you?! All of the guests are waiting! I can't
hold myself back. I want to marry you ASAP!"
"Tell them to go home! I have an
issue way more important now." Alicia hanged up the phone to her fiancé.
"It looks like that this girl,
Miakko, has amnesia. It is very likely she remembers nothing except her own
first name." said Oak to Alicia and her parents at his lab after checking
her. "I can assume it is due to the trauma after fighting those
"So the girl really killed
those Rattatas and Raticates by her own… are you sure professor?" asked
the mother.
"Looks like it is true. I just
got a call from my assistants. He checked the corpses and found deep fists marks
which fit exactly to this girl hands' size. What's more, Miakko doesn't suffer
from any blood lose."
"Who the hell is this girl?! She
is six years old yet she is able to beat Pokémon by herself?!" the father
was shocked. "Anyway, where are her parents?! How the hell can they leave
their daughter alone, what's more in such a terrible weather?!"
"Father! Don't speak Ill about her parents! I'm sure there is a reason! When I looked at the photo I knew
that they are good parents."
"Alicia! You are talking
nonsense! Photos are just a façade! It doesn't mean that they are good people!
Anyway, what the hell we are going to with her?!"
"We can send her to an orphanage."
said Alicia's mother. "That the only thing we can do."
"Orphanage?!" Alicia stood
up from her sit. "Mom! Do you know how they treat children out there,
right?! I'm against that!"
"I know. But what other choices
we have?"
"I'll take care of her!"
Alicia decided.
"Huh?!!! Alicia what the hell
are you talking about?" opposed her father. "You are going to be
married now. Stop thinking unreasonably and think about your future!"
"Then my marriage is being
canceled! I'll take care of her! I'll be her mother until her parents will show
up to take her!"
"Yet Miakko's parents never
came, even after eleven years" Oak said to Alicia in their discussion after
Miakko went to her journey with her new Charmander.
"Where are they…?" sighed
Alicia. "Miakko gave me happiness; I became the best mother I ever could,
but they are nowhere in sight."
"Miakko was a great help for our
lab with how much she helped us through the years. But Alicia, don't worry, I'm
sure she'll find them very soon." smiled Oak. He already knew.
Miakko and Brazle went through Route
1. "The first thing I want to do is to battle a trainer! Even before
catching a Pokémon!" Miakko got excited. She looked at two trainers, a man
and a woman at their early thirties. The man was tall. 190 cm, he had a long
light blue hair tied in a ponytail. It was so long that it passed his feet. The
end point of the ponytail was in a violet color. He had two long dark blue
bangs. He wore high boots, and white gloves. He wore an undershirt that was
very tight to his body which showed his skinny body with his abs. The woman
wore a sports bra that revealed her very big breasts, and she wore very short
jeans shorts. Similar to the man, she had high boots as well, and she also wore
gloves. To Miakko she looked beautiful. She had long dark blue hair with some
hairs that gathered together and looked like an antenna. Her eyelashes were
extremely long. They looked sharp as if you could cut a salad with them, or
stab a man to death like a victim of the infamous psychopath Moho Sama.
"Gladly, I'll battle you!" said the man. "Go! Fuecoco!"
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Miakko's Design, by me. |