Hit Points, Physical Attack,
Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in
every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability,
typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant
thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory!
I've captured some rare Pokémon for you." said Katsuya over the phone to
his boss, Giovanni.
done my boy. My mission is going well. My soldiers and I are going to Johto. We
have some mission out there."
you've told me. To Goldenrod City, right?"
Aaron, this Raal Sartan is insane!" said Taiga.
you did find something about him."
Those two
decided to finally track down that Raal Sartan, to bring peace to the Blaze
turns out that Miss Alicia Blaze already reported him eleven years ago, but the
case was forgotten due to someone ignoring his job. The police actually tracked
every single call they had in those eleven years. This asshole harassed her and
her daughter since August 20, 2006. In short, he was her fiancé and he harassed
Miss Blaze to give him cash nonstop."
come with me. I can arrest this dickhead. I won't let him do such things to my
future wife!"
didn't know you are into older women."
are you talking about? I'm not talking about the mom. I'm talking about her
daughter, Miakko."
are into kids… senpai?"
fuck sake! I'm only 21 years old dammit! In the next ten months she is legal
again!!!!" Ryu screamed while falling from the sky. They came back from
that rotten Blade dimension. They found themselves in Johto's Goldenrod City.
It was a big city. It had a shopping mall, a giant casino which was open to
anyone who'll pay, a Pokémon Center, a hotel, and a big port for the ships and
shipping to arrive. It of course had lots of residents who lived happily in
their high buildings. Well… they were high until today…
noticed Brazle who was passing by in the city. She decided to join her for
shopping of some Technical Machines in the mall. Technical Machine is an item
that teaches a new move for a Pokémon. Brazle told Miakko that she already has
three badges. She was surprised that Miakko had only two, as she always saw
Miakko as the stronger one. Brazle still couldn't understand the merit of
having that weak Chikorita that can't evolve, nor hold an item. In the
meanwhile, Ryu and Waiareas decided to challenge Whitney; one of the most hated
GYM leaders in the world.
Sartan was gambling as usual. He was wearing a thick coat with a furry hoodie.
His coat had a giant "7" number drawn on it; two of them actually.
For him, it was his lucky sign as he loved the slot machines. At age of forty
his hairline was already half balding. That was part of the reason he was
wearing a hoodie, in order to hide it. Walking him next to him was unbearable
experience. He always was smoking and drinking.
didn't you have enough for today? You are gambling for ten hours already."
said the casino's croupier.
up!" shouted Raal at him. "Your father likes dicks and that's why he
doesn't love you! I'm a paying customer, I can do whatever I want!" he
cursed him.
croupier tried to restrain himself. "Actually… you are not. You have a
giant debt to our casino. 10 million Poke dollars, that's what you own for
matter! I can pay by winning my games. I need only one big hit and I'll cover
my debt."
You are done here. If you won't pay us this full amount until next week, you
are done for."
you'll do with me anyway?! Sell me as a sex slave?!" he still didn't
realize what he got himself into.
are too ugly for that. We can always sell your organs in the black
can't actually…" said another croupier. "Look at him… he is smoking…
he probably has a deep level of cancer…"
Anyway, mister, get out! If you won't bring us the money you are good as
Raal was
trying to figure out how he is going to get all this money in under a week. He
saw Miakko passing by. He had his key to get out of this mess, and of course,
get back into his addiction of gambling.
what's up?!" he called Alicia. "Can you send me some money?"
I told you to stop calling me already! I won't give you money anymore!"
are you sure about that? So let's talk a bit about our daughter."
is not your daughter!"
you hadn't broken up with me right before our marriage ceremony, we'd have a
child together. Miakko is my daughter, don't try to deny it, you bitch!"
has gone wrong with you?! You weren't like this before that day… You were kind,
but right after I adopted Miakko you've changed completely."
because you dumped me to the trash for that asshole girl! It is your fault! And
that girl's fault! Anyway, I just saw Miakko passing by. So listen, give me
some money, or else…"
you dare!!!!"
are not in a position to argue. You have 24 hours."
However, Raal already hanged up the call.
Brazle and
Miakko started their shopping in the mall. They bought some clothes for
fashion, and spent around an hour of shopping at the fifth floor. Then it was
the time for the real deal; getting some powerful Technical Machines, or in
short, TMs at the sixth floor of the building. It will help them for their
journey. When they were about to pay the cash for the powerful items, seven
suspicious people appeared in the floor. They were wearing a black suit, with
the letter "R" written on it. Their boss was watching them outside
the mall. "This building is now belongs to Team Rocket!" announced
one of the team's members. "If you don't want to get hurt give us all of
your Pokémon!"
the hell I'll give you my friends!" resisted one customer.
Bang! The
Team Rocket member shot at her arm. "I don't think I was clear
enough!". The woman screamed out of pain.
boss was right. Going to the TM section is the best way to find strong
trainers." said another member.
a second! Stop this madness!" called Miakko and took out her Pokeballs.
"If you are going to steal our Pokémon we should have the right to protect
is exactly as the boss said…" mumbled one Rocket member. They recalled
about what Giovanni said before the mission started. He explained one thing;
let the trainers battle in order to protect their Pokémon. Trainers who don't
have strong Pokémon won't even think they have a chance to protect them. They
can let those weaklings go away. Team Rocket don't need weak Pokémon they'll
have to feed. Most of the trainers evacuated to safety, but six trainers stayed
to fight along Miakko and Brazle. "Don't think we are going to hold back!
Let's see what loot we have here!!!"
indeed weren't holding back. The members summoned 13 Pokémon in total. Two
Nidokings, One Alolan Muk, One Weezing, Two of those pedophile Pokémon that
caused the asshole taxi driver scream "Fuck! The Kid! I must help
him!", two Houndooms, and five Alolan Persian. "We have here eight
trainers to battle… it is way more expected. You are going down!!!!!"
The battle
started. Brazle revealed her members into the no rules life and death battle.
She revealed her Blastoise, Aerodactyl, Machoke, and Girafarig. Two of the six
other trainers had Venosaurs, and other two had Meganiums. Miakko called back her
Chikorita to the Pokeball; she is too weak to fight in life and death battle. Miakko's
Pokémon seemed weak in comparison to the other trainers which had fully evolved
starter Pokemon. Miakko's strongest Pokémon was Scyther. Her Charmeleon,
Teddiursa, and Eevee were much weaker in comparison, and Chikorita was of
course even weaker. Team Rocket had a tactic. They decided to focus on a single
Pokémon at a time, and brutally destroy it. As the battle continued the damage
to building was massive. The windows shattered from the intense force of the
insane battle. After five minutes of battling, Team Rocket already defeated
their first trainer, and captured their Pokémon with their illegal Pokeballs.
However, they kept ignoring Charmeleon who was able to defeat some of their
Pokémon. Ten minutes later, the second and third trainers lost all of their
Pokémon. Seven minutes later, a trainer who had a Manectric also lost.
Use Dark Pulse on that Charmeleon!!!!!" ordered the Team Rocket member. The
force was so intense that the fire lizard was blown out of the building.
cried Miakko.
are you doing you idiot!? We lost this precious loot!!!!"
remaining trainers decided to escape as they saw they have no way to win. "You
are not going anywhere!" shouted one Rocket member and ordered his Pokémon
to attack. However, he was blocked by Miakko's Scyther. He called his boss
Giovanni. "Boss! I'm sorry! Someone with great has Pokémon escaped!"
is fine! That's why I waited outside. They won't able to escape."
trainers' scream who escaped to the lower level was heard. Then there was a
complete silence.
looks like they are dead... That's our boss for you!"
Now it is the time finish off those two girls!". They focused on Blastoise,
the strongest Pokémon that was left. "Goodbye! Return to your mom to get
some milk!!!!!" they ordered the final attack. But then a gigantic
silhouette flew toward the building. Four meters high, no, maybe five. Giant
blue wings, long flaming tail, and dragonic features fired a streaming
is that you?" Miakko knew the answer, but asked the Charizard just to make
sure. The Charizard nodded.
it can be so big?!!! Charizards are usually around 170 cm in height!" The
Rocket member was shocked as he saw that five meters height Charizard.
just their average size! Some of them can grow even bigger!". The building
was about to collapse due to the intense fight. "Crap! We have to escape!
Everyone, retreat!!!!". Miakko's Charizard let her and Brazle ride on his
back in order to escape. They barely escaped before the building was crashed on
them. The Rocket members weren't able to escape, and were killed. Thankfully
for Giovanni, they already sent him the precious loot of Pokémon, but he didn't
plan to let those girls escape after killing his soldiers. He spitted his
cigarette, raised his arm to the sky, and aimed. Miakko's Charizard felt the
upcoming assault and dodged. They landed safely.
you are Team Rocket's leader?" Miakko glared at him.
My name is Giovanni. I'll have to get rid of you! I won't forgive you for
killing my soldiers."
move aside. Your Pokémon are injured. I'll take care of this, along with
Have you gone mad?! He is their boss! We couldn't even defeat his soldiers. We
were only saved due to the building's crashing. We can't defeat him!"
I can't turn away now."
should listen to your friend. I'll forgive you if you'll give in yourself for
me for the rest of your life.". Miakko didn't respond. "I guess I'll
have to do this in the hard way... Prepare to die!".
won't use any Pokémon?" asked Miakko. "Do you underestimate me that
are the one who underestimate me! Foolish girl!". Charizard charged at him
with Thunder Punch. "You are big… Charizards are usually at maximum of two
meters and forty centimeters… But your size of five meters is just… too big.
Fire Punch!!!!" Giovanni punched the Charizard with a flame fist. Charizard
was crashed into a small house and destroyed it completely.
going on?!" Nog and Matoi noticed the battle and stopped their sex in the
alley. They saw the fighting along with the residents of the city.
he just attack with fire?!"
he defeated a fully evolve Pokémon with one hit! How is it possible?!"
flew to the sky and attacked again, now with Flamethrower. Giovanni dodged.
"I was trying to scare you off by attacking with ineffective Physical move…
I'm a Special Attacker anyway…". Giovanni clicked his fingers
"Disable!". Charizard tried to attack again with Flamethrower but
couldn't for some reason. "Thunder Wave!" he called his next move.
Charizard was paralyzed and had a difficulty to move. "Future
Sight!". However, the move did nothing.
Attack with Thunder Punch!" ordered Miakko. Giovanni dodged this move once
The force of the move, along with Future Sight, a move that delays the assault but
strikes later with greater force, caused Charizard to faint. He was done for. The
city was destroyed more and more with each second the battle kept on.
how… how did you defeat my Charizard without Pokémon?"
not going to explain. You don't have the right to know! You are next,
Blaze-Girl!" Giovanni flew over Miakko, then punched at her chin with Mega
Punch and smashed her over a small house and destroyed it completely. He didn't
stop there; he attacked again with a rain of Shadow Ball. Miakko crossed her
arms and tried to protect herself. "You think it is going to work?
Flash!" he called his move which caused Miakko to lose her eyesight for
few seconds. But those few seconds were enough to assault her nonstop for
twenty long seconds. Miakko was recumbent on the ground after the assault
"It is a shame that you had to die. You and Rotsecna could be good friends…"
he said and walked away. 'I guess I was cruel…' he was thinking while going
away 'But that's what you get for opposing Team Rock-' he was punched in the
face by Miakko. 'How does she have more strength left?! What's wrong with that
girl?!' he pulled her arm and stomped her head.
you have enough?!" called one resident of Goldenrod City. "This is
too cruel! You destroyed our home, and for what, to kill one innocent
girl?" he pulled Miakko's arm even stronger "That girl was opposing
Team Rocket. She killed my soldiers. If you want to blame someone for ruining
your home, blame her. If she wasn't opposing me the maximum damage that had to
be done is a few trainers losing some of their Pokémon. She is the sole reason
that Goldenrod City looks like this!"
You are wrong!"
are evil!"
One long
haired man was rushing toward with a sword. It was Waiareas "Get away from
her!". Giovanni had no choice but to dodge. "Ryu, take care of
course!" she held Miakko in her arms and took her to safety.
fool… does he really think that a sword can help him against a Synchro Pokémon
user like me?' Giovanni dodged Waiareas moves. He used Psychic on one of the
ruined structures and launched it on Waiareas. Waiareas slashed through it.
'What?!!! No way… he must be a Synchro Pokémon user like me… My Synchro is
Alakazam… I must figure out his one, and fast! There are not many Pokémon that
use swords… Judging by the Psychic that didn't do super effective damage it
cannot be Sirfetch'd… Another option is Samurott!' he tested Waiareas and
used Shock Wave. It didn't do super effect effective damage 'Impossible! Hmm… Pokémon
that use swords… No! I don't have the time to think!' he found himself dodging and
eventually was slashed at his chest by Waiareas. 'I… can't defeat him!'. He
used Flash on Waiareas, and used those seconds to retreat. But the aftermath of
this battle was a disaster. Around 20 people were killed, around 1000 were
injured, and many lost their home.
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Giovanni's Character design, by me |