Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability, typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory!
guess we'll have to share the Magikarp between us…" Nog said.
about Dikaon?" Matoi asked.
that guy!"
let's eat!!!! Bon appetite!"
two!" a policeman appeared. "Hands up! You two are under
arrest!" the officer named Tanimura said.
What we have done?! We are innocent!" Matoi said.
two… you shot with an RPG, I'm sorry to say for you two, but this shit is illegal."
is it illegal?!!" Nog argued. "They sell it at the check in for the
Safari Zone!"
Matoi joined. "If that's illegal then the one who is in fault is the
manager of the Safari Zone!".
laughed "I can see your point… but let me tell you something! The manager
knows it. He works with us. You see… the police managed to delete almost
completely the crime in Hoenn. The issue came when we did our job so well to
the point it looks like we are not working at all. So we need to catch some
criminals just to show that we are working. That's when the idea came in, to
force people to do small crimes. That way we can show that the police force
works. That's how you two came in. You two are just victims of the
system." Tanimura drew handcuffs and cuffed Nog and Matoi.
is not fair!" Nog shouted.
are you going to do with us?!" Matoi was worried.
take you to prison of course." Tanimura answered. "There is a prison
near Fortree City, deep in the jungle. Sadly, once we'll get into the jungle
we'll have to get out of the police car and walk with our feet. The soil is not
suitable for road, and we can't use cars." He smiled. "But that's
what makes it difficult to escape! As you'll have to walk in the jungle with
many Pokémon that will gladly cancel your life subscription!"
was driving for two hours to the Jungle. He took the criminals as close he
could before they'll have to walk in the jungle. The jungle was dark. Matoi and
Nog knew they'll have to escape somehow. But they couldn't talk to each other
and make up a plan. They felt the Pokémon that wanted to eat them. While they
haven't eaten for over a week! Damn it! Through the shadows moved slowly
Pokémon that are probably predators and are searching for a fine meal. Matoi
was worried but he trusted Nog to think about a way to escape.
of the car! Now!" Tanimura said. "We'll have to walk for around 50
minutes until we'll get to the prison." He cuffed them again. "That's…
if you'll survive of course!"
us eat something! We haven't eaten for a damn week!" Matoi said.
have your meal once we'll get to prison. It will be exactly the time for
dinner. Now move your asses!!!!"
walked through the dark shadows of the forest, they felt the mud splashing on
their face due their steps. They felt this is the end for them. Nog knew he has
to do something. Five minutes into the walk he said: "Mister officer… I
need to pee."
until we'll get to the prison."
feel like I'm going to piss on myself! Let me pee dammit! I can't hold
Fine…" He aimed with his gun. "Don't try doing anything funny. If you
will, I won't hesitate to shoot."
all Nog did was to pee.
40 minutes
of walking later…
are almost there." Tanimura said. "For the end of your lives.".
He called the prison warden "I have two pieces of meat coming. I'll be
there in the next five minutes."
Nog knew
he has to the take chance that Tanimura is busy even for a second. "Matoi!
Now!". The two chocked Tanimura with their strong arms, and passed him
out. They took the keys for their handcuffs from Tanimura's pocket, and set
themselves free.
we are free from that asshole! But how are supposed to find our way out in this
jungle?! Dammit!" Matoi said.
seem to underestimate your husband…"
Nog, you had a plan?!"
did. Remember when I went to pee? Well, I actually left my zipper opened, and
dropped sperm around 20 meters between each one. Only we have to do is follow
my cum and we are out. See? The first drop of cum is right near us." He
pointed with his finger.
You are genius!
And they
followed the cum. However… around 500 meters later…
is the cum?!!!!!!" Nog screamed. "Where is it?!!!!"
Could it was evaporated?!"
is impossible! Not in such dark forest and such late hour! Where is
Akira raged. "Where have you been?!!!!"
I was in the forest. Someone left the best cum I ever eaten on the soil."
me some! Dammit!" Rabbi punched him.
I ate all of it!"
You should have left us some!!!!"
We are screwed!!!!" Matoi screamed.
are going to die here!"
have to find food!"
walked at the dark shadows, and sun was about set. The dark night is coming. At
such forest like that, it will be impossible to see when the night comes. They
found a banana tree and went to pluck the fruit from the tree.
…. That
wasn't a banana tree…
Tropius glared at them and ran after them. Like the hell that they'll eat it!
"Shit!!!! Nog, run!!!!" and two ran away from the rampaging monster. They
managed to escape and went back to search for food. From the high trees jumped
on them a predator and wanted to eat them alive. It was a fiendish Absol. It
stomped on Nog with its body weight, and prepared its claws to use Night Claw
for the kill. "Don't dare eat my husband!!!" Matoi took a small stone
and threw it on the monster. However it made it even angrier and hungrier as
well. It used Dark Pulse on Matoi and was about to eat Nog. "Someone!
Help!!!!" Matoi cried.
dare to eat grandma!!!!!" a hunter shot with his hunting rifle, and killed
the Absol. "Oh… you are not grandma…"
man, you saved me!" Nog thanked him.
welcome." The hunter said. "By the way, did you see a girl named
Little Red Riding Hood? I'm searching for her."
she looks like?" Nog asked.
is little." The hunter answered. "And she wears a red hood."
Yeah… good
description mister hunter… as if that's going to help…
shit! The Absol probably ate Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood! Tell me where
is grandma!!!!!!!!" he aimed his rifle at the dead Absol. "So you are
refusing to talk huh?!!! Think you can stay silent?!!!!". Matoi and Nog
decided to leave the hunter and found a place to sleep at the dark in hope
they'll stay alive until morning.
…. Day
nine of eating nothing. They woke up the morning and decided to search for
Can you smell it?!"
I can! It is a cream! It is coming from there!!!!!!"
No, the
cream wasn't cum for once, if you ask…
They saw a
huge castle made out of vanilla cream in the middle of the forest. They were so
hungry and started to eat the delicious and unhealthy food. They were happy; it
was their first meal in over a week. They ate so much, and fell asleep.
Froslass… they fell asleep. Those men actually ate me!"
is part of the job you had to do, Alcremie. Got it?!"
never wanted to capture men for such a reason. Please, release them!"
want that I'll kill all of your family?"
lock the door of your castle."
looked upon the prisoners. "Wake up already!"
Nog and
Matoi found themselves locked in a cage, with their lower body frozen.
"This is… a Froslass!" Matoi pointed out on her. "Release us!
What do you want from us?!"
two look very sexy, so I'll make you my decorations. You see… I've always
searched for men to catch. But none of them were good enough… but you two, are
exactly my taste. So I lured you to my castle."
for compliment." Nog was blushing. "Wait! No! Are you going to kill
us?! Release us immediately!"
how about no?"
you! I can't believe I beg for mercy from a Pokémon!" Nog shouted.
will take around six hours until you'll be completely frozen. Hahaha!!!!"
laughed the Froslass and went to sleep.
hours later…
I'm hungry again…" Nog said. "And it is so cold…"
did you expect… from eating sugar… you feel full quickly and then your sugar
level drops and you'll even hungrier than before…"
you are right…" Nog said. "Wait! It wasn't Matoi's voice! Who said
I'm so embarrassed… Froslass told me not talk with you."
Now it makes sense! But you don't seem to be evil. Why did you capture
put a spell on me that turned me to a giant monster… and she threated to kill
my family in Galar… so I had to abduct you guys… I saw you two. All you did is honestly
searching for food while being abducted by that policeman…"
don't you think you can defeat her?"
any super effective moves… I can't. Sadly our species doesn't learn other than
Fairy Type and Normal Type moves…"
you can. With TMs."
it is a way to learn moves that you can't learn on your own growth. There is
one move your species can learn to defeat a Froslass; Mystical Fire. I have
that TM on me. Alcremie, will you help us?"
hesitated for a few moments, but decided to take the chance. She won't be a
slave anymore!
Wake up! It is the time to fight! Alcremie! Use Mystical Fire!!!!!"
saw her ice being melted "Alcremie! What have you done?!!"
won't be your slave anymore!!!! I'm going to freedom with these two!".
Alcremie defeated her lord and melted her to dust. The spell was broken, and
she returned back to her normal small size.
thank you Alcremie. You saved us." Matoi said.
going with you guys!"
what?!" the two were confused.
you have a Pokeball?"
do actually…" Nog said.
first Pokemon… Let's go Alcremie!" Matoi rejoiced.
The idea
for this chapter came in when I was during a jogging. I saw out of nowhere on
the soil a scattered pack of cards. Then I got the idea to make a chapter about
Hensel and Gretel, with of course… cum instead of the bread at this section of
the story. Nog and Matoi were already planned from the start to have an
Alcremie on their team from the very beginning, so it was also a great chance
to introduce her to their team.