Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 36- Illegal Activities


Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability, typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory! 


"So you refuse to talk, huh?!!!!" Aaron Blackseth slammed his fist at the table at the investigation room.

"I did not kill her! She is a family! I would never do it!!!!" Lance defended himself.

"Enough with the lies! We know that you have killed Clair!"

"She committed a suicide on her own! I have nothing to do with that!"

"Tanimura. Show him!"

"We found her suicide notes. That's what she had written before killing herself." Tanimura said and revealed. "As it said here, she killed herself due to your terrible treatment. You shamed her; hit her every day as punishment. It is basically a domestic abuse."

"Do you have a proof that it is Clair's writing?!!! She doesn't know how to even spell my name. That idiot writes as 'Lans' with an 'S' instead of 'Ce'!"

"Funny that you say that… you just basically extradited yourself." Tanimura said. "She wrote it as 'Lans' with 'S', just as you had said now. Not to mention that by called her 'an idiot' also adds to her testimony."

"She's lying! I never drove her into death. She always hated me!"

"Very few people will lie in their suicide notes; It as a state that you gain nothing by lying, as you are already cease to exist." Aaron said "By if you say so… I'll ask, why do you think she hates you, if you say so?"

Lance stayed silent.

"Speak!" Aaron shouted.

"I have the right to stay silent."

Aaron grabbed Lance's collar. "Now listen to me you scam bag; by not answering our questions and hiding the truth your punishment will be even worse! Speak!"

"No! I'm the Eli-"

"I don't care if you are an Elite Four, nor I care if you are the Champion. I've seen enough of you! People who think that they are special, deserving a special treatment just because they have a cool 'job' which makes them better than others! I hate you guys the most! If it was my choice you would have stayed in prison forever. Sadly, I don't get to choose that. The court's judges are the ones who give the judgment."

"What will happen to me if I'll be found guilty?" Lance asked worriedly.

"Ten years in prison. That's the usual punishment for driving someone into suicide."

"No! I have the Pokémon League at the summer. I can't go to prison!"

"Let me finish. Ten years is the punishment at Alola. However, the punishment at Johto is only four years."


"But at the end of the day, it will always be decided at the court itself.". A week later Lance got his punishment; ONLY THREE MONTHS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE!!!! The judge was a fan of Lance so he went easy on him. GOD DAMMIT!!!!!


Aaron got a call "Aaron, we need you to solve another incident."

"What is it?" Aaron asked.

"It is about that candy. We found sources that it is being sold again at the underground."

"From a Pokémon idol to the drug that cheat at Pokémon battles… I'm on my way. On which region?"

"Kanto. We don't have the exact location though. Those drug dealers could be everywhere."

Aaron ended the call. "Tanimura, Shun; come with me. It is a shame that Taiga isn't here. His rubber bullets could be useful in this case."

"I can always bribe them!" Shun said.

"Do not! God dammit!" Tanimura shouted.


A week ago…

One woman was walking into a dark alley "I've heard that you have the candy that makes Pokémon stronger with no effort" she said.

"Pay on cash. We can't let the police track us." A man was answering.

"Here" she gave the money.

"Wait. Would you like to join us?" the man asked. "You seem to one who lusts for power. By working for us I can give you a better access to the candy."

"Isn't this Illegal?"

"It is. But you are already part of this."

The woman was thinking for two minutes "Fine. Do I need to sign somewhere?"

"Just vow with your loyalty. I'll give you my name; Sammy Aflalo"

"Irona Zohar."

"Good name. It resembles your hair" Sammy said. "I'll introduce you to my crew."

"I'm Kanna Bissu" one woman said who was drinking vodka at the same time as speaking.

"Nice to meet you." Irona said.

"I'm Marry Juana. I love candies. My Pokémon are addicted to them." one woman with a beard said.

"I'm pretty sure that you are man… why do you have a beard?" Irona asked.

"I'm a woman!!!! Don't shame me!!!!"

Irona recalled two gays who used to have sex outdoors that gave her a trauma for her whole life. She assumed that Marry Juana has the same kink as them.

The final one introduced himself. "My name is Heroine Gibora." He said. "I'm not the same as Marry, I'm a man. My name is a just a code name so the police won't able to track me. Irona, you did the same. 'Irona' isn't your real name, right?"

"Yeah, you are right. It is not my real name." Irona answered.


Sammy took them to their lab which was at two hour's drive distance. "Why do we have to drive for so long?" Irona asked.

"It is just a better way to protect ourselves." Marry scratched her beard. "If we'll put everything at the same basket the police will find us."

"Sammy, can I show the final product to Irona?" Kanna asked.

"Of course. She is part of our team."

"This is it." he showed a blue candy. "It is called 'Rare Candy'. With this your Pokémon will get stronger with no need of training. Sadly the downside that because of the lack of battles against other Pokémon you won't get EVs increase."

"But don't worry. There is a drug to solve that as well." Heroine said. "There are six vitamins to that; HP Up, Protein, Iron, Carbos, Calcium, and finally Zinc. They improve the EV. The issue with them is they are much more expensive to make."

They reached the undergrounded lab. At the place there were Bellsprouts' eggs that were about to hatch. "This is the main ingredient." Sammy said.

"Wait! You are using Pokémon in order to make other Pokémon stronger? It is basically a murder!" Irona shouted.

"I don't see how it is different from taking care of your predator Pokémon." Marry argued. "Arcanines eat meat. Meat is Pokémon. You are just being a hypocrite by saying that."

"Well… I get your point. Yeah you are right…"

"Now, in order to make the Rare Candy you have to grind the Bellsprouts, and grind Oddishes, then burn some Paras at 200 degrees Celsius. After that, mix the powder together, and then freeze it for two hours. After that, you got yourself a Rare Candy." Sammy explained.

"Wait. It is that easy?!" Irona was shocked.

"Indeed. But very few know about this process, which makes the item very unique." Sammy answered. "Try it yourself."


Four days later…

"Damn! We just missed them!" Tanimura got angry. The three policemen found the dark alley that the drugs were sold at.

"No worries." Aaron said. "Go! Theivul" he summoned his sly fox Pokémon. "Can you truck the scent?" The fox sniffed for two minutes and then returned to his master. "What are you saying?!!!!!"

"Can you understand what he is saying?" Shun asked.

"He says that he found some of Miakko's scent at the alley."

"Who is Miakko?" Tanimura asked Shun.

"His crush. Apparently she is the one who solved the "Mister Taxi Driver Case" which made him famous."

"No… No!!!!! Miakko wouldn't do it!!!! She is a good girl. She never participates in such practices!!!! No… I'm going to arrest Miakko?! What is the point being an officer if you are going to arrest your wife?!!!!"

"Wait… you've just said that she is his crush…" Tanimura said to Shun. "Now she is his wife?"

"Yeah about that… He is so in love with her that sometimes he calls her his wife… don't pay too attention do that…"

"No! No!" Aaron was about to cry.

"Senpai, calm down! There may be a mistake." Tanimura tried to calm him down. "But if that's true, you have to arrest your wife. That's you duty as an officer."


"Well, Irona, here is your reward for your job so far; Ten Rare Candies" Sammy said and gave her the items.

"Thank you. I'll use them later. Can you teach me how to make vitamins?"

"Come after me." He took her to a different part of the lab. It was locked with six different locks. There was there some Slowbros. He took his hammer. "This is how you make vitamins. By doing this!!!!!!" he charged his hammer and smashed the Slowbro's shell. Slowbro's shell is actually a Pokémon called Shellder. When a Slowpoke's tail is bitten by a Shellder is evolves to Slowbro.

"It is a shame you had to kill the Slowbro… they are elegant creatures…"

"No. I didn't kill it. Watch closely."

"Is that… Slowpoke?! What's going on?!"

"When Slowbro's Shellder Shell is detached from it, it de-evolves into Slowpoke. However, the Shellder stays the same. The ingredient is the Shellder as part of Slowbro. But Slowpoke won't evolve right away into Shellder. It needs to be strong enough, and when it de-evolves it returns to its weakest point of its life. This process takes time and in turn money. That's why vitamins are so expensive to make."

"So I see you can't give me vitamins…"

"Unless you are going to pay for it, I cannot..."

"Boss, can I talk with you about something?" Marry asked. They moved to a different room to talk privately.

"What is it?"

"The police's force is after us. They are on their right way here. Heroine went to our store at the ally and saw them. He managed to escape undetected but they are on their way here."

"When they'll reach us?"

"In about one hour."

"Fuck! Shit! We don't have time to package our entire lab. No choice; we'll have to kill the policemen and then escape while they are dead. But we need to make sure that even if we'll lose we will still survive as a team. Thank god we have Irona." He called Irona. "Irona! There is an urgent order came in. There is a client at Alola that needs us. Take this suitcase and take a flight to Srufa Lamavet. There are some Rare Candies in it. And make sure not to get caught."

"It is so sudden…"

"No time to explain! Move! Now! If you'll reach there successfully you can take five Rare Candies to yourself. That's good enough, right?!"

"Okay I'm going!"


One hour later baby!!!!

"FBI Open Up!!!!!" Aaron called.

"Senpai, the FBI is only at Alola or Unova…" Shun said.

"Shit! Now it is not as cool anymore!" Aaron smashed the lab's door. "You are arrested for making drugs!!!!"

"Do you think you've caught us?!!!" Sammy laughed. "How do you think the drugs are made? From Pokémon! We have hundreds of Pokémon with us!!!!!!"

"You done for!!!!" Kanna laughed.

The battle took around forty five minutes, with the police's victory. "How are you so strong?" Sammy asked in defeat.

"You might have hundreds of Pokémon… but those just hatched from an egg. They are weak! You can't win!" Aaron said. "Now! Where is Miakko? She works with you, right?"

"I don't know about anyone of that name!" Sammy said.

"Stop with the lies!" Shun said.

"No Shun. Maybe he isn't lying." Aaron said to him. "I assume all of their names are code names. Wait, so that's means… Crap! Miakko has escaped beforehand with some drugs. To the Airport!!!!" he went outside and called his team. "Stop all of the flights at Fuchsia Airport. I'm on my way there."


"We are deeply sorry to announce that all of the flights will be delayed for some time" the announcer said.


"Come on!"

"You better pay for my hotel!"

"More time at Duty Free yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Aaron traced the scent with its Theivul. "Miakko!!!!!!!!!! Stop!!!!! Even if it is you I have to arrest you!" he shouted and he found the girl who was wearing a hood. The Theivul found the drugs. "Wait… you are… Brazle Shine?!!!!" he puts handcuffs on her. 'I see… she probably met Miakko beforehand and Miakko's scent was on her… I'm so glad.' He was thinking.


Police's prison baby!!!!!

Brazle was locked. Her family rushed to see her.

"Mom… Dad…" Brazle was crying.

Her father slapped her. "Why would you do such a stupid deed?!!! My daughter is a drug dealer?!!!!"

"I… I…" she couldn't stop her tears. She wasn't able to talk.

"Apparently she wanted to get stronger. Rare Candy was the only way she found. But she didn't use the drugs yet, so that will decrease heavily her punishment." Aaron explained.

"And the punishment is? Officer! Tell me!" the father asked.

"Twenty years at prison." Aaron answered.

"No… no!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Brazle screamed.

"At Alola. The punishment in Kanto is only paying a fine of one million."


"I'll pay it!" the father was bursting of rage. "Then we are going home! You are locked forever girl! No Pokémon Battles, no nothing!"

"Father… I'm… sorry…" Brazle was crying and was taken home.

"I think that she is my type actually…." Tanimura said.

"Wait… what?" Shun was surprised.                                                      


Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 56- Homo Sama's Husband

  Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them master...