Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 49- The Drunk Married Couple


Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability, typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory!


"Aaron Blackseth, do you have a moment?"

"Ami…" Aaron was surprised. He felt a shame for himself and didn't have the right words to say "Ami… I… about what happened…"

"I'm sorry!" Ami cut his words.

"Why do you apologize? I'm the one who should apologize! After what I've did to you. I shouldn't have talk about another woman right when I've proposed to you." He noticed that Ami was wearing a ring.

"It is okay. I'm over it."

"As expected. Well, I congratulate that you'll be happy with your new husband." He tried to hide his disappointment.

"Wait… husband? Aaron… what are you talking about? I'm not over you. I'm over about what happened. I'm single."

"But… you have a ring on your finger…"

"You really don't recognize this ring?"

"Eh…. I don't…"

"Oh come on… This ring… is the one you gave me when you proposed to me."


Nearly two years ago!!!!!

It was Aaron's and Ami's date at the SS Anne ship. Aaron proposed to Ami and asked her to marry him. But since he kept talking about Miakko, Ami got jealous and threw the proposal ring to ocean. Then she said the line that will make Aaron stalk Miakko for so long "I bet you fell in love with her!!!", and left the ship. When she came back home she deleted his phone number right away. The day after was different; she suddenly realized her mistake. Only if she was more mature she wouldn't have said what she has said, and wouldn't have deleted his phone number. She and Aaron didn't have shared friends, and she had no way to get back to him and talk about it properly like mature people. The only thing she could have done is searching for the ring deep in the ocean. She went right at the morning, and hoped that the waves wouldn't wash away the ring. She jumped to cold waters, and searched for an hour and eventually found it. That's the only thing she had left from her dumb boyfriend. Aaron was dumb, but he was the one for her. And she has ruined everything.

"You should sell that ring" one of her friends said at a gathering with a few female friends. "At least get some money out of that douchebag"

"Yeah, Ami. Do it." another friend said.

"Why did you start dating him to begin with, he is so dumb for a detective!"

"No… Aaron wasn't wrong here. I'm the one who is wrong here…" Ami tried to defend her ex-boyfriend's dignity.

"Ami! Don't let any man ruin your day! They are not worth it! Have some pride as woman! You are above that species!"

So called friends! She knew that her friends were wrong. But just in case, she went at least check how much the ring is worth.

"Are you sure you want to sell it?" The ring appraiser said. "This thing isn't a normal ring. It is actually a Mega Stone. You know those things which evolve Pokémon mid-battle."

At this point Ami has decided what she is going to do. She is going to wait a year and then apologize. But Divoc happened so it ended up to be two years…


"Oh… thanks…" Aaron said. "By the way… why are you here? Did you come to watch someone? One of your friends?"

"I'm not friends with them anymore. I'll explain to you later. I came to participate here myself."

"Wait…. Later?"

Ami was blushing "I'll say it properly. Aaron, I'm asking you out. If it is okay…"

"Of course it okay! Ami, I'm so sorry. I have so much to tell you. I'll be honest with you. All this time I was stalking Miakko… I don't have anything to say. I just want to be honest…"

"I know. Amose told me about it. We are even."

Aaron realized that Moho Sama planned everything. He needed Miakko to be at time that Aaron was supposed to arrest him in order Aaron to propose to Miakko, and then realize that he isn't in love with her, but with Ami. He felt a great honor to be his friend that cared for him all this time.


At the next day the first match was about to begin. The policemen were at high alert. "Where is Aaron senpai?!" Shun worriedly asked. "The first match is about to begin!"

"Leave him!" Ananth said. "I gave him a day off. It is a matter of life and death here!"

"It is life and death without Aaron senpai!" Kiryu said. "We need him!"

"Not your life and death! If he'll come today children won't be born!" Ananth shouted. Aaron was at a date with Ami during that day. They talked about everything that happened during those two years.


The two commentators talked with their first words. "Children, boys, girls, men and women! Every one of us has gathered here for one reason. We share our love for Pokémon!" The first commentator, Kobi Needle said.

"Except the assholes who aren't!" the second commentator Oded Kisses said.

"Shut up Oded! You'll ruin everything!" Kobi shouted.

The entire crowd laughed out loud.

"Our first match in this tournament will include two married couples." Kobi said.

"Indeed. Love is a wonderful thing. Except for me…" Oded said "My wife has cheated on me, and then she still asked for child support while she hangs out with her new lover!!!!!!!"

The entire crowd laughed again.

"This wasn't a gag!!!!!!" Oded raged "Anyway. From the right side, meet our first team… Furukawa Waiareas and Furukawa Ryu!"

"Apparently those two were the ones who saved Goldenrod City from Team Rocket nearly two years ago. I wonder how strong they are in reality." Kobi said.

"Miakko, I've never seen your parents battle." Shirr said. "Aside from that time at the Sengoku period. I wonder how strong they are."

"They are really strong. I can assure you." Miakko praised her parents.

"Now meet our second team. They say they are reincarnations of themselves from another world…" Oded said.

"Now guys, I don't mean to judge you… but please don't send us fake info just to become viral…. It is super lame." Kobi continued. "Now meet them! Hamly Satla and Ace Satla!"

"Give me some Blind Eyes Coffee!" Ace shouted and drank some vodka with caffeine from his bottle.

"Darling… we are about to start the match… it caused you to be killed once…" Hamly said with her gentle voice.

"Those two are fucked up in the head…" Nog said.

"Now… battle… start!!!!!" Oded gave the order to start the match.


Hamly sent out her Meganium while Ace sent out his Stoutland. Ryu summoned her Cinccino, while Waiareas summoned his Eelektross. Stoutland's ability, Intimidate was activated, and dropped the Furukawa's Pokémon's Physical Attack Stat. They knew, they must get rid of Stoutland as soon as possible. In case the Satla couple would switch their stupid dog and might activate its Intimidate. However, little they knew it was Satla couple's plan.

"Rock Blast" Ryu called. "Flamethrower!" Waiareas joined to the assault on the Stoutland. "Safeguard!" Hamly ordered. "Swagger!" Ace ordered.

"Swagger?!" Brazle was surprised. "What's the point in using along with Intimidate?!". Swagger is a move that increases the foe's Physical Attack but confuses it at the same time.

Cinccino attacked first and damaged Stoutland only two times with Ryu's poor luck. Then Meganium used Safeguard; a move that prevents status conditions for some time. Then, to everyone's surprise, Swagger was used on Meganium. Eelektross was the last one to attack, and did a decent damage on the stupid dog.

"It looks like you two have realized…" Hamly clicked her eyeglasses "Swagger has just increased my Meganium's attack stats!"

"Interesting strategy, that's the least I can say." Ryu praised them.


The next phase started. "Swagger again!" Ace called. "Rock Blast again!" Ryu ordered. "Razor Leaf!" Hamly called. "Flamethrower again!" Waiareas ordered. Just as before, Ryu attacked first, she was unlucky this time as well, and Rock Blast attacked the stupid dog only two times which wasn't enough to defeat it. Then Stoutland used Swagger on Meganium again. Using Stoutland was crucial; Not only it has Intimidate; it has the exact same speed as Meganium. When two Pokémon with the same speed attack at the same time, it was down to luck which will move first. But due to Ace's and Hamly's training, they were able to teach their Pokémon and control it in situations like this one. With plus four Physical Attack boost, Meganium attack both Eelektross and Cinccino at the same time, and defeated them. Ryu and Waiareas were down to only four Pokémon very quickly into the match.

"Amazing!" someone from the crowd called and cheered the Satla couple.

"It must be the Blind Eyes Coffee! I must try it myself!"

… Someone here doesn't know what he is signing for… for brutal death!

Waiareas summoned his Skeledirge, Ryu summoned her Dragonite. Ryu gave Dragonite the order to use Tailwind; a move that increases the speed of all team for a short time. Ace kept on his own; he increased Meganium's Physical Attack to the maximum with Swagger. Then Hamly ordered Meganium to attack again with Razor Leaf. She knew with such great boost those Pokémon will be defeated, even if they resist the grass type move. But it didn't! It barely did any damage! "What's going on?!!!" Hamly was surprised.

"What a brilliant move from the Furukawas!" Oded called. "With Skeledirge's ability, Unaware all the power boost of Meganium is negated!"

"Papa! Go for it!!!!!" Miakko cheered.

"Torch Song!!!!!" Waiareas ordered.

"Now get this song!" Skeledrige roared "The Death Song!". Skeledirge shot his fire move, and defeated Stoutland, and increased its own Special Attack.


Ace summoned his Golisopod. He knew that he has to sacrifice it; With the Tailwind Skeledirge will faster than most of their Pokémon. Therefore he ordered it to use Aqua Jet and damage it as much as he could. Meganium didn't have even a chance to battle again; Skeledirge attack it with another Torch Song, defeated it, and increased its Special Attack again. Ryu knew that Golisopod won't able to do much to Dragonite and therefore she used Dragon Dance to increase its Physical Attack and Speed. She knew that Tailwind's effect will soon be over.

Hamly summoned her Mismagius. She used Protect in ordrer to stall for time for the Tailwind's effect to end. Ace knew he had no choice but to use Aqua Jet again. It defeated Waiareas' Skeledirge. But Ryu used Rock Slide and defeated the Golisopod. Now each team had only three Pokémon left. Despite that, The Furukawas were at massive advantage over the Satlas. But Ryu and Waiareas had something to worry about; the Tailwind's effect was over!


Ace summoned his Donphan, and Waiareas summoned his Cetitan. Ace was worried that Cetitan will defeat it easily with some kind of Ice type move, and so he ordered to use Protect. Ryu ordered her Dragonite to use Dragon Claw, but due to the Protect it was negated. Hamly saw her chance to defeat Cititan and ordered her ugly ghost witch to use Magical Fire, a fire type move. To her surprise, it didn't do enough damage. It was due to Cititan's ability, Thick Fat, which decreases the damage from Fire and Ice type moves. Then Waiareas ordered his wheal to use Ice Spinner, and defeated Mismagius. Now at only two Pokémon left, the Satlas were in a big trouble.

Hamly summoned her Bastiodon. Most trainers won't be using this one. While its defenses are strong, it has two four times weakness. But it was perfect for the situation and defend against Cititan. Right away Ace ordered Donphan to use Ice Shard on Dragonite, and defeated it. That gave the chance for Waiareas' Cititan to use Ice Spinner and almost defeat it. Finally, Bastiodon used Iron Head, which barely did any damage due to its very low Physical Attack. In comparison, even Sewaddle had higher Physical Attack… Fucking SEWADDLE!!

Ryu summoned her Loppuny. "Wow… she is kind of hot…" someone from the crowd got horny.

"Shut up!!!! What's wrong with you?! It is obvious that Machamp is hotter!"

Ace smiled "That's what you got? Normal type Pokemon? It can't defeat our Bastiodon!"

"Are you sure about that?" Ryu mocked him. "Let's go Loppuny!" she stayed silent for ten seconds "Mega Evolution!!!!!" Loppuny form was changed and in at that psycho from the crowd's opinion she became even hotter. It was changed from Normal type to Normal/ Fighting type.

"I wasn't expecting that someone will use Mega Evolution so soon." Kobi said. "So I have to explain something; in our tournament's rule each player may use one special mechanic. It means that a team might use two special mechanics per match."

Ace and Hamly were in a big trouble. They knew that at this point they can't win. Donphan wasn't fast against any of the Furukawas' Pokémon. The only thing it can do is using Ice Shard. But that won't be enough. Waiareas didn't give Ace the chance, and ordered his Cititan to use Ice Shard, defeating the Donphan. Ryu knew Basiodon's ability Sturdy which will defend it from being defeated at one hit if it has full Hit Points. Therefore, she used the Fighting Type move Double Kick which attacks twice, thus bypassing Sturdy, and defeated it.

"The winners are… Furukawa Ryu and Furukawa Waiareas!" Kobi announced. "What a great match we've seen!"

"Indeed. They showed some brilliant moves. Such as using Unaware to negate Meganium's power boost." Oded added.


Ryu and Waiareas left the field and met up with Miakko and Alicia and Ben. "Ryu, Waiareas, it was a wonderful match." Ben said.

"We've never watched Pokemon battles before but even we could tell it was great." Alicia added.

"I told you that they are strong!" Miakko smiled.

"Only four battles are left…" Waiareas said "I'm starting to feel we have a chance to win."

"True. But the Satla couple wasn't weak either."


It was the evening. And the sun was about to set. It will take a few more days until Ryu's and Waiareas' next match. Ace and Hamly were disappointed for losing at their first match. Oded Kisses walked toward them with his arm hidden behind his back. He was holding something dangerous. "Hamly… Ace… I have to ask something…"

"What do you want?" Ace asked.

"Will you sell me the Blind Eyes Coffee?!" he showed some cash. "I really want to taste it!"                               

Ami Habara's design. By me.

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  Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them master...