Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 48- Dizzymaze… Again!


Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability, typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory!

       July 31, 2019

   Tomorrow is the first day of the Pokémon League. Everyone was about to meet each other before the starting day. Moho Sama ordered a mini bus to take himself, Aaron, Uzib, Nog, Matoi, Saica, Ananth, Ryu, Waiareas, and Miakko right to the Pokémon League. Miakko was excited to see her parents' battles at the highest and most difficult levels. Tag Matches were by their nature more difficult due to the reliance on their partner, meaning Waiareas and Ryu were about to face some of the strongest trainers in the world. Ryu wasn't sure she could win. She knew that she and Waiareas are strong, with great teamwork. However, they still learnt about Pokémon only two years ago. She knew that some people have years of experience. They might not have been battling for much longer time than them, but the fact stays; she and her husband were trying to win only with two years alone of hearing the word "Pokémon" for the first time. They tried to get this achievement only to get their daughter back, but only two months into their journey their main goal was achieved. But now she has another goal; showing her daughter what her mother can do. She was calmed down by the fact that Miakko was watching and cheering for her. 

As soon as they arrived to Indigo Plateau, Waiareas and Ryu went to register for the Tag League. Miakko has seen the thousands of thousands of the people were coming as audience for this huge tournament. She was a bit nervous as she had to battle soon in front of those people. As this tournament was expected to have many people, it was a way to make a lot of money. Five huge hotels were built beforehand in order to contain have all of those people. And there was another place that was built… no… not that place!!!! Please no!!!!!

"They have Dizzymaze here?!" Matoi screamed.

"Indeed!" Uzib answered. "It is easy way to sell merchandise. I'm going to sell as well."

"What are you going to sell?" Aaron asked.

"I'm not talking to you!!!! How dare you to have a fake love for Miakko! So all of this time you were using her just to overcome your girlfriend!!!!"

"Welll… I'm sorry about that. I wonder where Ami is… I hope I can find her…"

"I hope she is here. Aaron, make sure to apologize if you see her." Miakko said.

"Of course! Where are Kiryu and Shun by the way…? They are supposed to be here…"

"They will come very soon." Ananth said. "Taiga and Tanimura will come as well.". The police force had a mission during this month; taking care of any issue that might come during the League.

Miakko got a call from Alicia. She was excited to see her after so long. Alicia told her she will arrive very soon, and will watch all of her, and her parents' battles. Miakko heard a voice of a man at the other side of the call. She assumed it was the driver that took Alicia to Indigo Plateau. Ryu and Waiareas came back from the registration. Then one couple was about to show up.

"Miakko!" Brazle called. She came along with Tanimura.

Aaron grabbed Tanimura and took him a few meters away. He whispered to him 'Seriously… The girl you had a crash on is the girl you've arrested….?'

'Well… sorry about that.' He whispered back. Then he shouted "Wait! I'm not sorry! Brazle is the best woman in the world!!!!!"

"Hiroki! Don't embarrass me!" Brazle was blushing.

"How did you meet?" Miakko asked.

"It is complicated…." Of course Brazle wasn't going to tell Miakko that she met her boyfriend from selling drugs…


All of the GYM Leaders, Elite Fours, Champions, and the bizarre "things" that Alola has all were gathered.

"What an abysmal situation… This is such disrespect to us! Too many of us were killed!" Hassel smashed another table.

"Out of the GYM leaders of Kanto… the only ones lefts are me and Brock…" Misty said.

But too more were about to die…

Kahuna of Alola Hala and Kahuna of Alola Nanu were shopping at Dizzymaze. Hala wanted to spoil his grandchildren and went to buy some candies for them. Along with his best friend Nanu, they went and found one candy stand.

"You can taste it if you want. You want to give your grandchildren, right? Pay me later." The seller said.

Hala took a bite from one green candy. After a single bite he wasn't feeling well and felt pain at his stomach.

"Hala!!!!! Are you okay?!!!!!" Nanu screamed. "You!" he talked to the seller "What are those candies?!!!!!"

"Wait… you wanted actual candies? I sell poison… not candies for a snack. You should take him to the hospital. This poison kills in like two minutes."

"Two minutes?!!!!" Hala screamed "How the hell are we supposed to get out of Dizzymaze in two minutes?!!!!! I'm going to die!!!!!"

"No! You are not! I'll save you!" Nanu was determined "Take off your pants! I'll save you!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!!!!"

"I've read once a comment on Temetube that poison is gathered at men's dicks! By that logic I'll have to do is suck your dick and take out the poison and you'll survive!"

"But everyone is looking! What about my pride?!!!! I'll have to live in shame!"

"It is better to live in shame than dying with pride!"

"Okay… you right…"

"Although… you'll still have pride… By sucking your dick we'll become gays and we'll have pride for the rest over our lives!"

"Save me!"

Ten minutes later…

"Hala and Nanu are dead." Steven reported.

"God damn!!!!!!!!!" Hassel screamed.

"Hassel…. If you'll break another table… I don't know what I'm going to do to you…" Cynthia warned him.


Shirr has arrived along with Katsuya. "You are… Katsuya, right?" Miakko asked.

"That's me." He answered.

Miakko giggled "Wow, it is really you. It is so weird to see you without your mask."

"I see that Nog and Matoi didn't tell you." Shirr said.

"Didn't tell what?"

"That we are getting married soon."

"When did that happen?!" Matoi shouted. "You didn't tell it to us. You just said 'Don't tell Miakko that we are couple'!"

"Oh right… we met Nog and Matoi before that…" Shirr said.

"Well, congratulations, Shirr." Brazle greeted her.

"Everyone keeps hooking up…" Waiareas said. "It is like that a Pokémon journey is good way to find a partner."

"It makes sense." Ryu pointed out. "On a journey people meet other people, sharing time with each other. We did the same with Miakko."

"Where is Alichan…?" Miakko searched for her.

"I think we should tell our families to meet us at Dizzymaze Mall. It is too crowded here." Shirr said.

Not Dizzymaze! Shirr! Don't dare to say that!!!!! It is dangerous! This is how people lose their families! There is a documentary show called "Lost Ones" which is documented by a woman named "Watcher Ma'anak". At the show Watcher searches for people who lost their families for decades, and half of the "lost ones" were people who were buying at some branch of Dizzymaze!

…. They still went there regardless…


Shirr's and Brazle's families has arrived at Dizzymaze. Shirr explained to her family what's has gone between her Katsuya. She told them that they will be get married after the League is over. "I won't let marry my daughter!!!!" the father said.

"Dad, please!"

"Just kidding! I always wanted to say this line. We always knew it will happen soon."

A few minutes later, Alicia arrived. She came along with a tall man at his forties. He was blond haired with a big paunch. Alicia had one great paunch as well. "Miakko, Ryu, Waiareas, meet Ben; my husband."

"Your husband?" Ryu asked. "When did that happen?"

Ben held Waiareas's and Ryu's hands. "I heard about from my wife's stories. I admire you by that way you care for your daughter. I hope that I can become a parent like you are for my child."

"So Alichan, you are pregnant?" Miakko asked.

"I'm going to give birth very soon." Alicia answered.

"You should have stayed home then. What happens if you'll give birth here? I'm just worried."

"It is okay. There are hospitals around here. I also wanted to see your journey to end. Ryu, Waiareas, and Miakko; Beat everyone! Be the champions!"

Alicia told them about her and Ben's story. Three years ago Ben was a regular customer at Alicia's garage. At some point he asked her out. But Alicia refused. She said she has her daughter to take care of. But she also said that if a certain event will happen, then she'll agree to date him. That event was Waiareas's and Ryu's arrival. As soon as Miakko had her own real parents, Alicia was finally free for dating someone. But then Divoc happened. They were talking to each other at the phone and computer during that time, and found fond of each other. As soon as Divoc was over, the two started dating and very short after they got married. Alicia and Ben knew they have no time to waste; Alicia was already 38, and knew that her body might betray her very soon due to her age. They took the risk, and prepared for pregnancy. Only time will tell if it was the right decision. But this point, they were happy. Ben admired Alicia for taking care of Miakko for so long, and admired her for not losing hope in people that only she believed are good parents. Unlike Raal, Ben respected, and still respects Miakko. He knew that Miakko has a special room at Alicia's heart, and knew that he will never be able to live at that room. But another room was created, a room for Ben Adams, the one who changed Alicia Blaze's name into Alicia Adams.


Tuuina and Theom walked around Dizzymaze. Theom searched for the store named "For Gamers Only" to buy some video games for his Nintendo Switch. "Hey, you two!" a suspicious one called them from his stand "Don't you want to buy something cool?"

"What do you have to sell?" Tuuina asked.

"Dickletts. It is a great item that helps at the most difficult moments in life when you sad and lonely and want to commit a suicide" Uzib answered.

"I don't get it…" Theom said.

"I'll explain what you do with this it-"

"Uzib, they are children!!!!!" Ryu kicked Uzib's head and knocked him out.

Tuuina and Theom were excited to see their mentors "You have reached the league!!!!" Tuuina called.

"It is expected." Theom praised them. "You know this guy?"

"Unfortunately, we do." Waiareas said.

Waiareas and and Ryu introduced Miakko for Tuuina and Theom, and talked on some random and irrelevant things.

Meanwhile… Nog and Matoi went lost at Dizzymaze and reached the store called "For Gamers Only".

"Nog! It is an orgy shop!"

"And for gays only! Let's get inside!"

The two took off their clothes and went inside "Who wants to fuck with us?!"

At the store were some nerds who were buying video games "What are you doing?!!!!" they called. "Why are you naked?!!!"

"It isn't a sex shop?!" Matoi was surprised.

"How did you get that idea?!!!"

"The store's name is "For Gay-mers only"" Nog said.

The nerds explained them and threw some expensive figurines at them.

"Oh… sorry…."


The time was seven at the evening. The champions tried to decide which teams will participate in the league. "We have only 34 teams. We need 32. With only 34 it is pointless to make the "Victory Road Challenge" just to eliminate two teams." Steven said.

"Only 34? What happened we have such a low amount?" Alder asked.

"Apparently, we were supposed to have 55 teams. But some went lost at Dizzymaze and didn't find the way out."

"So I guess we have to choose the teams based on their feats through the year at GYM battles." Lance said.

"Then I would like to suggest Furukawa Waiareas and Furukawa Ryu to be participate at the league." Diantha said "They almost have defeated me and Cynthia."

"Can you confirm it, Cynthia?" Lance asked.

"This is correct. If Waiareas hadn't mega evolved his Garchomp they would have won." Cynthia answered.

"Then I would like to suggest Mat and his dad." Geeta said.

"Mat and his dad?" Leon asked. "What's the father's name?"

"I don't know. They just go by 'Mat and his dad.'"


Meanwhile the 34 teams were waiting for the decision.

Atsur and Kalu were one team of the 34 teams who were waiting. "Kalu, listen. I have a plan. Let's kill Mat and his dad."

"Huh? Atsur… what are you talking about?"

"Think about that! With their death there will be only 33 teams. They'll have no choice but to roll a randomizer just to eliminate one team. Out of 33 teams there is no way the randomizer will select us!"

"You are right! Let's do it!"


Hassel reported. "Mat and his dad are dead. Atsur and Kalu were arrested for killing them."

"Well… So we have 32 teams…" Leon said.


At the morning Aaron was about to start working and keep an eye at the crowd so nothing illegal will happen. Tanimura, Kiryu, Taiga, and Shun helped him. One short woman went toward Aaron from behind and said "Aaron Blackseth, do you have a moment?"

He turned around. "Ami…" he was surprised. 

Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 51- I'm the Baker! And Idan is Part of My Bakery!

  Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them master...