Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 51- I'm the Baker! And Idan is Part of My Bakery!


Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability, typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory! 


Waiareas and Ryu prepared for their third match; the quarter-finals. The next team was two friends named Derek Hayai and Idan Osoi. The team they showed their previous battles was a Trick Room team. The move "Trick Room" is a move that changes the priority of the Pokémon attacking order. The faster the Pokémon is the latest it will attack. It is a great move for defensive teams; as many slow Pokémon are tend to have high defenses. Despite knowing the team that Derek and Idan will use, Waiareas and Ryu knew that some or all of the Pokémon they will use in the battle will be different as for the surprise element. They themselves did the same, and will do so in their next battles.

The match was about to begin. Everyone was looking carefully at the match. Miakko was especially worried as she knew that most of her parents' Pokémon are fast Pokémon; they are the perfect victim against Derek's and Idan's team.

"Did you know I make some bread? Do you want to taste them?"

Ryu and Waiareas didn't understand what Derek was talking about.

"Derek… please not again… I hate you…" Idan was annoyed.

"Once upon a time there was someone Derek that had a bakery, at his bakery was working someone named Idan…" Derek started telling the fairytale.

"Derek… I'll kill you! You are the reason we've lost!!!!! I hate you!!!!!!"

"At his bakery there was a game. Nobody knew who was the one that makes the bread. But his customers had to guess who the chef is. It could be anyone… the city's mayor, your mom, even the trash guy. When they guessed correctly they could execute the guy. But if they guessed wrong, the bakers could decide for one customer to be killed."

"Did he just confess a murder…?" Shirr said.

"But I had a brilliant idea! I told everyone who the names of the bakers in my bakery. After all, nobody is stupid enough to tell that he killed someone."

"So nobody believed you?" Ryu asked.

"Exactly! The entire town started to kill each other! Unfortunately I've made a mistake! I've told my best friend my plan! And he betrayed me! And that's how I've lost the game!"

"I don't understand how you are not in prison…." Waiareas said.

"Oh that's because it isn'-"

"Start that match already!!!!!!" The crowd screamed.


"Go! Meowscarada!" Ryu called. Waiareas on the other hand summoned his Grachomp.

Derek summoned his Clefairy, Idan summoned his Bronzong.

"Why Clefairy of all things…?" Brazle was surprised.

"Something is fishy here." Shirr said. "There is some reason for them using an unevolved Pokémon."

Ryu's and Waiareas' tactic was simple; getting rid of the Trick Room's user, which they've assumed is Bronzong before it could even use the move. Ryu ordered her Meowscarada to use Night Slash, while Waiareas ordered his Garchomp to use Crunch. Waiareas couldn't risk himself by using a Ground type move. Attacking a Bronzong with a Ground Type or Fire type move is risky; It has two abilities that one decreases damage from Fire Type moves, and the other one, Levitate negates Ground type moves. It the past, Bronzong's weaknesses were only Ground and Fire. But through time, the Steel Type lost its Dark's and Ghost's resistances, making it weak to those types due to being a Psychic type.  However, despite by attacking with two strong Pokémon with super effective moves, it wasn't enough to defeat the Bronzong. It missed short the kill. This exactly was what Derek and Idan wanted; time for using the Trick Room. And So, Clefairy used Reflect; a move that increases the Physical defense of the party's Pokémon for some time. And finally, they've achieved their goal! Using Trick Room!


Why they weren't able to defeat the Bronzong? It is true that it has strong defenses, but not enough to not be defeated against Waiareas' Garchomp and Ryu's Meowscarada. They've realized that the Clefairy was the problem. They didn't know Clefairy's exact ability, but they knew it did something. They must get rid of it as soon as possible. Clefairy's ability Friend Guard decreases the damage for its partner by 25 percent. This is the reason that Derek and Idan chose to use Clefairy. Its evolved form, Clefable doesn't have this ability. Not to mention that Clefairy is much slower; perfect for the Trick Room team. But that didn't matter, as Idan ordered his Bronzong to use Gyro Ball, which defeated the Meowscarada in one hit.

"How it defeated it one hit?!" Katsuya was surprised "Shouldn't the Gyro Ball be weaker?! Gyro Ball Gets stronger depends by how fast the Pokémon is!"

"It is a common misconception." Ami corrected Katsuya. "Trick Room doesn't make the Pokémon faster. It just changes the attacking order."

"It is too complicated…." Matoi said.

"So basically… When using Gyro Ball in Trick Room your move gets stronger and you get to attack first?!" Nog asked.

"Yep. That's how it works." Ami answered.

Clefairy used its next move; Light Screen which does the same as Reflect, but works for the Special Defense instead for the Physical Defense.

Waiareas got rid of the Bronzong, which despite having the Reflect protecting it; it was enough against another Crunch.


Idan summoned his Avalugg of the past, which is commonly called "Hisuian Avalugg", and Ryu summoned her Gardevoir. "Damn… another slow Pokémon. Not to mention that now I have to switch. I can't risk Garchomp." Waiareas said as soon as he saw the stupid ice table. "However… this gives us chance to do other things! Ryu, do it!"

"Gardevoir's ability activates. Trace! Copy Clefairy's ability." Ryu called. "Oh… I see… so this ability increases your partner's defenses. Interesting."

"Derek what have you done?!!!!!" Idan shouted. "I hate you!"

"Shut up I'll kill you like I've killed the entire town at this Bakery game!"

"Nobody wants your disgusting bread anyway!!!!"

"I've planned to make lasagna this time!"

"Oh… your lasagna is good, unlike your bread…."

"Will you continue the match?!!!!!" The crowd shouted.

Avalugg targeted Garchomp. Despite Waiareas said he is going to switch, Idan assumed it was just a bluff. Waiareas switched into his Aegislash. Clefairy used Helping Hand to increase Avalugg's attack strength. Due to the speed priority of the move, it attacked first. Then Avalugg attacked with Ice Spinner which barely did any damage thanks to the type resistance and Clefairy's copied ability. Finally, Gardevoir used Thunder Wave to shut up that Clefairy in order to plan their next move.


'I have to protect Idan…' Derek was thinking. 'I couldn't protect him when my best friend betrayed me at the Bakery game… By using Follow Me it will make their attacks target my Clefairy… but it is down to luck!' he kept thinking "Clefairy! Do it!" It failed! Clefairy couldn't move due to the Thunder Wave's effect.

"Avalugg! Attack with Ice Spinner! Attack Gardevoir and destroy her!" Idan called.

"Protect!" Ryu called.

Then it was the time for Waiareas to use his move. "Fool! Even with four times super effective move you still can't beat my Avalugg with one hit due to the Reflect effect and Clefairy's ability!" Idan mocked him.

"Are you sure about that?" Waiareas smiled "Steel is not the only type that is super effective against both Rock and Ice!"

"No… you don't mean?! Fighting?! What is the point of not using STAB then?!"

"Use Brick Break!". The move defeated Avalugg in one hit. Then the barriers of Reflect and Light Screen shattered. "Your defenses are gone! This is this move's effect!"


Idan summoned his Dusknoir. He needed to summon this specific Pokemon in order to set up the next Trick Room as it was going to end. Derek had difficulties in choosing his next move. Out of the four moves he set on his Clefairy, none of them was good. Setting up the barriers again wasn't good as Aegislash could break them anyway. Ultimately, in the end, he chose Helping Hand and increased Dusknoir's attack which used Shadow Punch on the Aegislash right after that. It wasn't enough to defeat it. Aegislash barely survived, but still survived. Finally, Waiareas targeted Clefairy with Iron Head and defeated it. By doing this first, its ability Friend Guard was gone, and the defense boost to Dusknoir was gone, which meant that Ryu could do a bit more damage to it with Psychic; dropped its Hit Points to a little lower than half. "Who could believe it that our biggest problem was Clefairy." Ryu praised them. "But your end is close!". The Trick Room effect was finally over, and Derek and Idan were in a big problem. Should they set it again, or not?


"Idan! Trick Room time is over!" Derek declared.

"What are you talking about?! It is our whole strategy!" Idan argued with him.

"We can't risk now for having a stationary target for using the move! We still have five more Pokémon to beat! We can't catch up by doing this!"

"Fine! But if we lose you'll make me pizza!"

"Deal! Go! Sandslash!" he summoned his next Pokémon "Idan! Do it!"

"Dusknoir! Use Shadow Sneak!" Idan ordered and defeated Gardevoir with the priority move "Your ability that you've stole from us is gone!"

"Now! Sandslash! Drill Run!" Derek ordered and defeated Aegislash.


Ryu summoned her Pawmot the Electric/ Fighting type Pokémon , and Waiareas summoned his Yanmega, his stupid bug.

"You have some balls to summon an Electric type against a Ground type." Idan said. He knew that Dererk's Sandslash has high defenses and won't be easily defeated. He also knew that Pawmot's defenses are very low, and all Derek's Sandslash has to do is attack with a super effective move against it in order to defeat it in one hit. He and Derek already knew what they have to do.

"Dusknoir, Shadow Sneak on Yanmega! Damage it a bit!"

Ryu ordered Pawmot to use the move Double Shock, a very strong move with a hidden effect. It was able to defeat the Dusknoir. Then Waiareas ordered his Yanmega to attack with Air Slash, but it didn't do enough damage as Derek trained hard his Sandslash and increase his defenses Effort Value.

"Your Pawmot is dead!" Derek called. "Sandslash; defeat it with Drill Run!" but it didn't defeat it despite attacking with a super effective ground "But why?! I should have defeated it with a super effective move!"

"You should have. It is right." Waiareas answered. "But is our Pawmot is really an Electric type?"

"Wha- What are you talking about?! Pawmot are Electric type!" then he realized. That's right! It was Double Shock's effect! The user loses its Electric type after using it. At the point Sandslash attacked Pawmot it was only a Fighting type!

"Derek… let's forfeit." Idan said.

"What are you talking about?! Nonsense! I won't forfeit!" he argued with him.

"Think about it. Our strategy has failed. We are only trying to survive at this point. None of our Pokémon can defeat their Pokémon. It is just a waste of time. They are better than us. I also want to eat your lasagna…"

"We surrender." Derek said and started crying. "Idan… I'm going to make you some pizza and lasagna."

"No you are not!" Aaron and Ananth called. They ran toward them and put handcuffs on them "Derek Hayai, Idan Osoi; you are arrested for a mass murdering a whole town!"

"No it was just a game!" Derek called.

"So killing people is a game for you?!" Aaron yelled "You are truly a monster!"

"It was a game in an online forum!" Idan protected himself "It wasn't real!"

"So you are saying people who use forums are not real. You don't have any value to people in life huh?! Thinking you are better than them?!!!" Aaron punched him. Derek and Idan were put in jail for twenty five years for a crime they didn't commit.        

Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 51- I'm the Baker! And Idan is Part of My Bakery!

  Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them master...