Hit Points, Physical Attack,
Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in
every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability,
typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant
thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory!
Clavell welcomed Ryu and Waiareas to
Uva academy. It was their meeting a day before the school will start. "I
see… So you want to find your daughter… and that's why you have to study about
Pokémon. It is a wonderful wish, Miss and Mister Furukawa." He said.
"But I must say, I never saw people at your age who never seen Pokémon. So
there are really other worlds beside ours." He explained to Ryu and
Waiareas about the school. Usually, only people above age 18 can engage the
Pokémon League, but by graduating Uva Academy, student can have the license to
engage it already at age 16, meaning they can start the journey at age 15. This
is why so many students want to attend to this school. The studies are very
pricey, therefore only the rich can attend, and many of them aren't from
Paldea. "I see that you two have weapons on your waists, I would like you
to hide them."
"But where we should put them? I
can't throw them away." asked Ryu.
"Simply, put them in this
capsule." Clavell showed them a very capsule, at five centimeters size.
"Every trainer uses those capsules. They can minimize huge items to a
small size. This is how trainers can take with them all of the supply they need
to their adventure." "And one more thing; you'll have to work here
after the classes in order to pay for the studies. Is that alright? Without
that, I won't allow you to join the classes."
Waiareas smiled "Work for free?
That's a small price to pay so I can meet Miakko! I'm on it!"
"I would say that isn't even a
payment. You are doing us a favor." Ryu smiled as well.
"Then I'll give you two your
starter Pokémon." said Clavell. "Usually, only students who graduated
the school can get one. However, you two are much older so I can give you them
right away. What's more, most people who come here already have at least one
Pokémon at their home; so they know to handle with them." He summoned
three Pokemon; Fuecoco the Fire Croc Pokemon, Sprigatito the Grass Cat Pokémon,
and Quaxly the Duckling Pokémon.
"So cute!" Ryu's eyes shone
"I don't know which one I should get."
"Ryu didn't you say that want to
get that Growlithe we saw in Kanto? I guess you can't take the cat since dogs
and cats hate each other."
"No, no." said Clavell.
"You don't have to worry about that. I actually recommend taking
Sprigatito as it will have a great team balance for you."
"So Sprigatito it is." Ryu
petted the cat. It is now her new friend. "Waiareas, will you take the
duck? You love the sea and water."
"It looks like something I'll
want to eat for lunch…" FUCK YOU Waiareas!!!!! How dare you shame my
creation!!!! But yeah I agree it looks pretty delicious. And so, Waiareas chose
Fuecoco. The two played with their new Pokémon at their room for the remaining
day before the classes.
The first day of school has begun.
Waiareas and Ryu went inside the class and took their sits. Nearby them sat two
students, Tuuina and Theom Alden. The two were twins. Tuuina was born an hour
prior to her brother. Tuuina was a bit taller than her brother but still was
very short girl compared to Miakko, Brazle, and Ryu. She had long bright and
soft hair. It reached up to her waist, and she had bangs that hid completely
her forehead. Her freckles caused her shy face to look even sadder. Theom had
his hair shaved completely, and similarly to Tuuina he had freckles, but his
case, they highlighted his cocky personality. "Oh, looks like we have here
some geezers!" he laughed at Waiareas and Ryu.
"The- Theom…" Tuuina tried
to speak, despite she preferred not to "You should respect our
"Shut up Tuuina! We are both at
this school which means we are equals, their age is irrelevant!". Tuuina
stayed silent. It was always like that. Theom thinks high of himself, and
release his anger at her. Tuuina knew that silence is the best answer for him.
Moshe, The instructor went inside the
class. The students greeted him. "So we have here only two months to make
you kids into war machines! Because you annoyed your rich parents and couldn't
wait two years before joining the league for free! But no! Thanks to you, I
have a job!!!!" then he realized what he just said. "Forget what I
just said… It was totally unrespectable. So our first lesson is typing. Can
someone tell me how many types there are?"
"Eighteen!!!" erupted
"Mister Alden, before speaking
next time, please raise your hand. I'll let it slide for this time."
Ryu whispered to Tuuina at her ear
"So each of the types has some relation to the other types?"
"Yes. They do. You'll have to
remember all of them to be a master."
Moshe gave a paper which showed the
entire type effectiveness chart. "Next week you'll have a test. If you
can't get at least a score of 90 you have no chance to be masters." He
kept talking about the side effects of the types. For example, fire types can't
be effected by burn status, and electric types can't by effected by paralyze
status. They had to remember all of that. As the class ended Ryu and Waiareas
went to their job to pay the studies. Their first job was shit. And I mean
literally! They had to clean the cowshed of the Tauros with their black shit!
While they were working Ryu saw
Tuuina pass by. "Hey, Tuuina!" Ryu waved to her.
"Miss Furukawa!" smiled
Tuuina. She wasn't at her gloomy expression. "What are you doing
"We are working. We have to pay
the studies somehow." Waiareas clothes and hair were full of shit.
"Aren't you with Theom?"
"Me and Theom, well, aren't on
good terms. So aside from the classes we are never together…"
"You don't have to tell us if
you don't want to." said Ryu. "Can you help us to study for the test?
It is a bit difficult when we know nothing about Pokémon and we don't know
anyone here. You are pretty smart from what I saw at the class."
"But I didn't answer even a
single question."
"Your eyes showed me that you
knew every answer but kept it to yourself. Every time someone answered the
correct answer your eyes had a look of 'yes, I was right!'. Am I wrong?"
"Mister Furukawa, Miss Furukawa,
when your shift will end?"
"At 7:00. Well, we'll have to
take at least 30 minutes to wash ourselves from the shit we have on our hair.
Why?" asked Waiareas.
"Can I come to your room? I can
help you to study a bit every day for the test."
7:45 PM!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuuina entered their room. "So
adorable! So you actually have a Sprigatito and Fuecoco! Can I pet them?"
Ryu offered her a cup of coffee
"Sure you can". The cat rubbed Tuuina's leg and meowed.
"So while I remember some of the
type chart, I don't remember all of it." said Waiareas. "Sure I can
understand why fire is strong against grass, but why is it strong about
"I mean, isn't it burn the
ice?" asked Tuuina.
"Yeah, but then what will happen
to the ice? It will become water. It should be neutral against it.".
Tuuina never thought of such explanation about this type chart.
The three studied every day toward
the upcoming test. Tuuina became friends with Waiareas and Ryu during the week.
And Tuuina became a bit more talkative as the weeks passed by. It was the time
for the test results. "Waiareas, Ryu, show me your score. I got 98."
"92!" Waiareas showed his
test sheet.
"Sorry Waiareas, you lost here.
"I knew that my beautiful wife
is brilliant!"
"Wait, wife?" Tuuina was
surprised. "I was thinking that you two are siblings or cousins.".
Theom who sat nearby them was annoyed that his sister got so lively with those
old annoying geezers.
The next lessons for the two upcoming
weeks were about stats. They learned about how Special Attack relates of
Special Defense, and how it is sometimes isn't the best to attack with a super
effective move, but with a Pokémon who its Special or Physical Attack stats is
much better compared to the opposing foe low Defense stats. It was recommended
to know each of every existing Pokémon's base stats. Those who could remember
them, have a great chance of becoming the next Pokémon masters. Then, the final
week of the first semester was about abilities, transforming mechanics such as
Mega Evolution, and status effects.
The second month was about to begin.
Tuuina really wanted to join to tag league with her brother. She loved her
brother, but he was high of himself and was sure that he can beat the league by
himself. She didn't know how to approach him. She wanted to have a friend in
her journey, and what a friend could be better than a family? She tried to
approach him but he ignored her BECAUSE HE IS A DAMN ASSHOLE!!!! Forgive me,
but that's how I feel about him. During the last weeks Theom tried miserably to
get hold of a Pokeball. He wanted to get his first Pokémon as soon as possible,
but wasn't allowed to catch one until graduating the academy. Tuuina saw her
brother talks to his friends. She didn't hear their conversation, but felt that
something wasn't usual. She knew her brother. At the late evening she went to
his room, she had a hunch that something bad is going to happen. But he wasn't
at his room. She looked down from the window and saw him walks away with two of
his friends out of the academy. The sky were already dark, the clouds were
about to rain. This asshole is going to try to catch a Pokémon!!!!
She ran as fast as she could to Ryu's
and Waiareas' room. The room was very noisy. They were "sleeping" and
lots of liquids passed from a mouth to mouth. "Ryu!!!!" she knocked
the door. It took a minute until she opened up. "My brother! I have a bad
feeling about this!"
"Then I shall join you."
said a person who came by. His name was Clive. He said that he was a very good
friend of Clavell, and he looked very similar to him, but with a terrible
fashion taste.
"Oh Yeah!!!!" called Theom
after capturing a Houndour with his only Pokeball he had. It was a time to go
back. However, he and his friends were stopped by the mother Houndoom who was
much stronger than the Houndour he just caught. He couldn't even win; he was
basically at the mother's mercy before turning him into a kebab. His friends
threw rocks at the flare beast, after all, it super effective. But instead it
only made the animal even angrier. He and his friends fell on their butts from
the fear. Yeah they are going to die. But they deserve it! How could you blame
me for wishing that shitty people will eat shit?
"Theom!" called Tuuina who
came to the rescue with Waiareas, Ryu, and that "Clive".
"Tuuina! Don't come any closer!
It is dangerous!". Then Waiareas dashed at lightning speed, drew his sword
and cut the flare poodle with one strike. "Co- So Cool!!!!. Waiareas, can
you teach me how to do that?!"
"You idiot!!!" Waiareas
shouted at him. "Because things like that you endangered yourself! If not
your sister you would be dead! Nobody heard that you left, nobody knew, nobody
except Tuuina. If not her, the next thing people will see from you is your burial,
if there was anything to bury at all!"
"Theom, don't make me worry!
Idiot brother!" She fell on her knees and cried. Theom went toward her,
hugged her, and said that he is sorry. He asked to sleep at her room for the
night. He couldn't fell asleep at the night. All he thought was how stupid he
was, and about his relationship with his sister.
At the next morning he was called to
Clavell's office along with Tuuina. "Clive told me everything." said
Clavell. "We'll have to find a punishment for you."
"I'm sorry prinicipal…"
said Theom. "I'll resign from the school. What I did was truly unworthy as
a student."
"I see… but is that really the
right solution? All you do is running away from your problems. Would it be a
truly good lesson for you?"
Theom stayed silent.
"The first punishment is that
you won't get your starter Pokemon. You'll have to somehow get your first
Pokemon by other way. But, since you successfully caught that Houndoor by
yourself, I'll give it to you once you graduate the school."
Theom was surprised. "You did
it, brother!" Tuuina clapped her hands.
"The second punishment is
depended on your sister. I would like you two to team together for the Tag
League. You see Theom, you are pretty reckless. But if you'll have your sister
beside you, you can become a great trainer. She can protect you."
'Like she would agree….' Theom was
thinking. 'I treated her terribly… I don't deserve to team up with her….'
"I agree!" said Tuuina
"That's what I wanted right from the beginning.".
Theom was shocked "Are you
really okay with a brother like me?"
"Even if you were the worst
brother in the world I would have agreed. I'm your older sister."
"Then it settled. Tuuina, take
care of your brother."
In the next class the students were
taken outside to the field. "Listen!" called Clavell. "In the
next remaining month you'll have your most important lesson! Surviving skills!
You'll learn how to take care of yourselves in the wild. In the wild, one wrong
move can end up in death! All of the other lessons you were taught will be unimportant
if you can't come back home alive! If you have a question I recommend asking
Mister and Miss Furukawa. Yesterday they showed their skills."
'Huh? Wasn't it Clive with us
yesterday's night? Whatever…' Waiareas thought to himself.
After two months the school was
finally over. Theom got Houndour as his starter Pokémon and Tuuina decided to
take Quaxly as her starter Pokémon. "Waiareas…" Theom came to talk
with him and Ryu and along with Tuuina. "We decided to take the Tag Challenge.
Wait for us at the finals, we'll beat you!"
"I don't intend to lose. But, it
was a great experience with you guys." smiled Waiareas.
"Ryu, thanks to you I can be
finally a bit talkative." smiled Tuuina.
As the twins went to the journey it
was the time for Ryu's and Waiareas' journey. "Let's go, Miakko is waiting
for us!" Ryu gave her hand to Waiareas.
September 1, 2017
"What is this Pokemon?!"
called Brazle to her surprise when she saw Fuecoco at Miakko's match against
her father.
"Fuecoco." said Ryu.
"It is a fire type Pokémon."
The match went very evenly, due to
the same type, no effective moves, and very similar stats. There wasn't much
they could aside from spamming Ember, Scratch, and Tackle. Eventually, the one
who won was Miakko, due to Charmander was faster and had a higher Physical
Attack stat.
"Thank you for your match!"
said Miakko. "I'm Miakko Blaze, thank you for having my first match."
"Miakko!" called Brazle.
"You can't tell anyone your name. What if-"
"They are just trainers like us.
It is not a big deal."
Ryu giggled "My name is Furukawa
Ryu. This is my husband, Waiareas. I hope we can meet again, Miakko."
Miakko waved her and decided to walk
toward her next destination, Viridian City.
Waiareas heart was beating immensely as
Miakko walked away. He didn't want her to leave. "Waiareas, don't worry.
She knows." Said Ryu.
"Know what?"
"That she is our daughter."
"It didn't look to me like that…."
"Somewhere inside her heart, she knows. She might not remember, but don't worry, she'll come back to us."
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Theom and Tuuina Alden's design, by me. |