Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability, typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory!
After a day a walking, Miakko and
Brazle reached Viridian City. They passed through the buildings and searched
for the GYM of the city. Miakko knew she has to catch some Pokémon beforehand,
but wanted to know the GYM specialty at the very least. "Get out you
shitty animal!!!!!" called its owner. A Chikorita was thrown away from the
seventh floor of one apartment, bleeding and injured. Miakko was able to catch
it with her own hands before the poor animal was smashed into the ground and its
brain would have been splashed out of its head.
"What's wrong with you?!"
called Miakko with anger at the Chikorita's owner. She held the Chikorita with
her hands and climbed toward its owner's apartment.
"Miakko wait!" said Brazle.
"You saw its owner face! He could be dangerous. It is also isn't our
"I don't care! You can't treat a
Pokémon like that!". She knocked at its owner door.
"What do you want?!" said
the Chikorita's owner. He had very stinky scent of tobacco and alcohol.
"That Chikorita?! Take it if you want! That shit destroyed my
Miakko wanted to speak and was able
to say "But…"
"No But! Get off of my house,
kid!". The Chikorita's owner went to get stoned again while watching some
porn or something. That's the only reason he lives for. The Chikorita's
injuries went from bad to worst. Miakko and Brazle rushed toward the Pokémon
"It will take a few days until
it will be healed." said Nurse Joy. "Are you sure you really want to
heal it and wait for a Pokémon that isn't yours?"
"How do you know that it isn't
mine?" asked Miakko with a curiosity.
"I know that Chikorita. It was
brought here by the locals dozens of times. But again and again in was returned
here injured." Joy kept talking. "You see, that Chikorita was
supposed to be a pet. Therefore its owner had a surgery for the Chikorita to
imbue an Everstone in it, so it won't able to evolve and stay adorable and
small creature as Chikorita, and won't evolve to Meganium by an accident. But,
its owner didn't anticipated one thing; That Chikorita likes fighting. It
completely destroyed its owner house again and again. The locals here tried to find
here a more suitable trainer, but no one agreed. They all wanted a strong
Pokémon who can evolve and hold item. Due to the Everstone it can't even hold
item. With no new trainer in sight, the Chikorita returned again and again to
its cruel owner."
"I'll take it then." said
Miakko with no hesitation.
"Wait, Miakko, are you
sure?!" asked Brazle. "Are you going to use unevolved Pokémon that
can't hold item on your team?! You are putting yourself in a huge
"I don't care! I can't leave it
alone! I can't think even about the fact that it will return to that terrible
drunk person!"
"Well then, it is yours. Wait a
few days until it is healed, and you can take it."
"Miakko. I'm sorry." said
Brazle "I can't waste my time here. We are going in a different ways. I
must continue with my journey." She said and went away. 'Stupid Miakko,
doesn't she understand that power is everything?' she was thinking.
Indeed, power is everything. For
Brazle at least, power is everything…
Brazle decided it is the time to
catch some new Pokémon. She caught a Pidgey at first. She checked its nature. It
is a Quiet Nature… meaning it decrease the Speed but increases the Special
Attack. It is terrible for a Pidgeot! So she caught another one! And another
one! She did this for an hour got only terrible nature Pidgeys!
"Nog you are so good!!!!!"
a scream was heard from a bush nearby.
"Don't stop Matoi!!! Take my
Water Gun!!!!"
"Oh Yeah!!!!!!"
Brazle ignored those weirdos and continued
on her goal to catch a good Pokémon. Pidgey! Zubat! Rattata! Why there is
nothing good here?!!! She wanted to be the very best like no one ever was, but
instead she was in a mess! She walked for almost the whole day. She wanted to
see something rare instead of Pidgey. She told to herself that she will be fine
with something mediocre. But again and again, fucking 60 times in row, all she
found was a Pidgey! She gave up, set a tent and went to sleep.
In the morning she continued.
"Take this Hydro Pump!!!!!"
called Nog.
"Then I'll use Body
Slam!!!!" screamed Matoi.
"Then take my Thrash!!!!!!"
"Then I'll use my move…. Tail
"Amazing strategy Matoi! I knew
that you are a great trainer!!!"
Pidgey! Zubat! Rattata! No!!!! She
continued searching for three more hours! Her mind was glowing, her brain was
rolling, the next Pokemon's silhouette and she got excited… only to get again
"To whom I have to suck so I'll
stop find Pidgeys?!!!!!" she screamed. "Wait no… this was a bit too
much to say…"
"You can suck to us if you want!"
Nog and Matoi stood up from the bush they fucked each other naked.
"Wait Nog…" said Matoi
"She is a woman… that won't do…"
Nog and Matoi put their
"clothes" on. "Yeah I'm sorry about that…" said Nog.
"We are doing it only with men…"
Matoi was a tall man. He reached to
192 cm. He was very bulky with big sexy muscles. His lips were thick and big.
He had short blond hair, but had long bangs that hid completely his right side
of his face. The only eye he saw with had long eyelashes. He barely wore any
clothes. He wore only a black underpants and a red undershirt-bra. He also had
a bracelet with spikes on his right arm, and a belt that used for nothing aside
to hit is partner when they were horny.
Nog on the other hand, had some spiky
hairs but had long dark purple hair that passed his butt. He was even taller
than his partner; at 194 cm. he had even bigger muscles. He wore a spiky
neckless, and had a long chains on his right arm that was used for obvious purposes.
He also wore a blue overall but with nothing something beneath, in order to
show his sexy body.
"What the hell were you doing
there?" asked Brazle.
"Sex, obviously…" said Nog.
"No! What I mean…. Never mind…."
"Oh I'll explain…" said Nog
"This world is beautiful. So our goal is to see every single beautiful
landscape in the world and have sex at it."
"We are also believers of Moho
Sama" said Matoi.
"Matoi… Moho Sama doesn't like
"Oh right… but we must
accomplish his mission no matter what!"
"You two are just idiots you
know…" said Brazle and walked away.
"Wait!!!!" said Nog
"You search for rare Pokémon, right? I can give you one if you'll shoot us
in a nice pose…"
"So you meant that kind of
pose?!!!!!" yelled Brazle after shooting.
"What did you think I
meant?" asked Nog.
"I don't know… something like
"peace" sign or something… Not that thing!!!!!"
"Well, here is the Pokemon we
promised for you…". It was an Aerodactyl, a fossil Pokémon from before
Human walked on earth. Not only that; it has Jolly Nature that decreases
Special Attack and increases Speed; the best nature for this Pokémon. That is
what she needed.
September 2010
It was the new elementary school year
beginning. The Shine family- Brazle's family just moved away from Unova to
Kanto during the summer vacation. They wished to leave Unova which had terrible
air pollution. Living there was the worst. None of her family was smoking; not
her father, nor her mother, nor her younger brother. But maybe the little
brother took a toke with no one knowing at age of three months years old. Who
knows with the babies of nowadays! It was like living inside an ashtray. They
escaped from there and decided to set at Pallet Town of Kanto which had much
better fresh air. However, Brazle had to say goodbye to all of her friends. She
had to go to a new school, and find herself new friends.
"I'm Brazle Shine!" she
introduced herself at first day of the school. "I came from Unova and I
don't know much about Kanto, so if someone wants to help me I'll be glad!"
"Do all people in Unova have
dead white eyes?" asked a kid in order to mock her.
"I don't get this
"Well, well kids…" the
teacher decided to step in "Everyone look different, right?"
DONE!!!!! Now it was the time to ignore all of the bullying and letting the kids
have fun with their new toy! At first her classmates mocked her; they used her
unique eye pupils as their main mockery. Then they stole her belongings and had
fun with them. And then hit her for fun. Nobody stopped them. Everyone knew; her
classmates, the teachers, even the principal of the school, but no one lifted a
finger. This is how Brazle has gone for around two weeks.
"Mom" said Brazle one day "I
don't want to go to school… I don't feel well…"
"Brazle… I know what happened.
You can take the day off. But maybe would you go next day? It could be changed
you know… only you need is one friend, but truly special one."
'Like that could happen…' Brazle was
thinking while crying at her bed.
Brazle entered the class. One kid
wanted to say something but then his friend said "Don't think about that!
That Miakko is crazy!".
'Miakko… isn't she the girl who sits
behind me?' Brazle thought in her heart.
Miakko entered the class "Mi-Miakko!!!!"
a kid said "I'm sorry for what I've done!" he said in fear.
"You should apologize to Brazle,
not to me!"
"You were part of this, Miakko!
You did nothing for two weeks until you hit us with no reason!" yelled
another kid.
"You idiot!!!!! She'll kill
you!" called another one.
During the lunch break Brazle noticed
that no one was talking to Miakko. "Miakko… you did this for me?"
"My mom said that for some
reason I'm super strong, and I should never use my power unless it is to
protect someone. That's what I did."
"But you have no friends
"Mom also said that you don't
need a many friends. Only one is enough if it is special. We are now similar;
both of us don't have friends. We have no choice but to become best friends."
From then on, Miakko and Brazle were
always together. Every time that someone even tried to say something bad to
Brazle, one glare from Miakko was enough to make them stop. However, that's led
Brazle to think that power is everything. A weak Pokémon on her team won't be
good enough.
Brazle finally had two super
effective Pokémon against one gym. She took a ride on her new Aerodactyl and
flew toward Cinnabar Island. Her first GYM battle is going to be there! At the
same time, a black long haired man with his hair tied in a ponytail looked at
the horizon and said to himself "Moho Sama… even if that is the last thing
I'll do in my life… I swear, I'll put you behind the prison's bar… you insane
person won't get away from me! Your crimes must be put into an end!"
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Brazle Shine's Design, by me |