Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 43- The Epitome of Cringe


Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability, typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory!  


"Dan… I love you! Please date me!" the sixteen years old student confessed her love to Dan Matree, a student who was one grade above her.

"I'm sorry… but there is a girl I love. I can't go out with you." Dan answered. "I wish to marry her, and I love her more than anything. So I won't date anyone but her."

"Is she that great?"

"Yeah, she even said she loves me as well. But she won't date me for now."

Dan Matree was a seventeen years old boy. He was the most popular boy at Artazon City's single high school. There was almost no girl at the school that wanted to suck his dick. He was handsome, with short natural blond hair, and blue eyes. He wasn't muscular, and wasn't very good at sports, but he was a genius at sculpturing. He was so efficient and he got one time offer to make a statue of a six meters dick. However, he rejected the offer; he knew it would ruin his reputation and he couldn't disappoint the girl he loves who lived at the closest city, Levincia.


Miakko decided to challenge the Electric Type GYM leader, Iono who lived at Levincia. She and her parents walked from Mesagoza toward the city. They stopped for one day break at Artazon and passed the night there. Before they left Masegoza, Clavell gave Miakko a gift as a gratitude for her help; a Metal Coat, an item that evolved Miakko's Scyther into Scizor.

Iono wasn't only a GYM leader; she was a Temetuber as well. Today she made a live unboxing video. She was unboxing a banana and was wearing bikini. Many fans around the world commented on her while she was pilling the banana very slowly and gently.

MegazeX commented: "Only Iono can make a banana video interesting and informing!"

Norman is not dead: "Iono looks great as always!"

Sekuhara: "Iono I love you so much! Your beauty is like two valleys of hopes with a pink snow on them!"


Norman is not dead: "FuckXBang, what the fuck is wrong with you?!!"

FuckXBang: "I'm sorry. It is my son; he just got a heart attack and lost blood from his nose. Why the fuck am I talking to kids instead of calling to ambulance?!!!!"

Sekuhara: "Iono! Your bikini looks great today!"

MegazeX: "Sekuhara! Shut the fuck up!!!!"

Sekuhara: "Fuck off! Unlike you Iono said she loves me!"

Iono looked at the comments of the video "Now let's read the comments!" "Sekuhara, thank you very much. I love you as well. I can't say how much I love you and all of my fans as well. Now I have another special box to open! Before I open it, don't forget to subscribe and hitting the bell for more content!" she opened the box "A ring?! And it says here it is from Sekuhara." "Wow Sekuhara, I don't know how to thank you! I love you!" and she closed the camera and ended the video.

"Fuck!" she threw away the ring "What a creep! Why am I doing that to begin with?!"

"Your fans are cringy as hell!" her cameraman mocked them.

"They watch it just for my body! As if anyone will care for a banana!"

"Well, they are your source of income… thanks to them we have a job."

"And the worst of them is Sekuhara! I keep saying that I love him just for getting gifts so I can sell them at high prices! But he actually thinks I love him! The cringiest fan I ever had!"


Miakko and her parents woke up at the next day. "Hey!!!!" Someone called them "By any case, are you guys are trainers?"

"We are." Ryu answered. "Do you need something?"

"I need you to take me to Levincia. My girlfriend is waiting there for me!" Dan Matree answered. "I need to catch a Pokémon so she can accept to see me."

"You are suspicious." Waiareas said. "Why would you need to have a Pokémon in order to see her?"

Dan was thinking for a few moments for an excuse "It is a blind date! We were talking online but she never saw my face. So if I'll have a Pokémon she'll know it's me!"

"Many people have Pokémon. How she'll know it is you?" Miakko asked.

"Em… em…" Dan had no excuse to say. "She'll just know!"

"Well, Pokeballs are cheap anyway." Ryu said. "So I can catch a Pokémon for you and then you can meet her."

"Ryu, do you really trust him?" Waiareas asked.

"I don't. But what he can do to us anyway? He has a secret he can't reveal, and it is none of our business."

"Thanks guys! You are life savers!" he thanked them. 'Iono! Here I come! My beautiful girl!' he was thinking.


The four reached Levincia City. Dan ran right away to the GYM "Iono!!!! Here I come!!!!!!!" he screamed. The Furukawas reached very short after, right after he lost the battle, obviously. The battle was held right at the center of the city with many cameras filming the battle to Temetube. "Iono! It is me!" he said while blushing with horny face.

Iono felt a deep anxiety "I don't know you!"

"I'm Sekuhara! From your comments!" he hugged her strongly "You love me! You said that! I came for you! My love!"

"Get away!!!!!!!!" she screamed and fell down. Dan Matree didn't let go her. She wanted to call for security but she physically couldn't.

Waiareas grabbed Dan's shirt and pulled him away "I should have known! I regret helping you!"

"That's what you really think of me?!!!! Iono! You've said you love me! All of those words were lies?!!!!" Iono couldn't speak nor act properly. She stayed at her room for two long days before she could return to her job as a GYM leader and as a Temetuber.


Miakko who wanted to challenge Iono decided to wait for her before should challenge her. While nobody said a word to her, she felt the pressure from the Pokémon League to make her return to her job. She decided to accept Miakko to battle her. However, mentally she wasn't able to do it. She made very wrong moves that even an amateur won't make. She sometimes used Electric Type moves on Ground type Pokémon, and she didn't even Terastrallize her Pokémon. Miakko has won the battle but she knew that this time it wasn't due to her own skills, but the lack of the opponent's ability to fight. While she received her badge, she felt and was a fake victory. She also knew that she missed an important lesson.


Iono felt as if someone was stalking her in the shadows. She felt like she can no longer walk alone at the streets. She quitted her job as GYM leader, and stopped uploading videos to her Temetube channel. Her "fans" were talking ill about her at the internet. Due to this, she lost the money to pay for security and had no one to protect her. She locked herself at the house and after two weeks she was about to starve to death. She no choice but to leave her house with nothing but worries just to buy some food. When she was about to pay for the small bread she took from the shelves she realized she had even no money for that. All of her money was spent on clothes weeks before she was assaulted. She asked for a discount, but got a rude rejection. She decided to to take the bread and escape.

"Thief!!!! Capture her!!!! I don't care if she is Iono or even a homeless! Everyone gets the same treatment at my market!!!!"

"Hands up! Bitch!!!!!!" a policeman called. "Or else I'll shoot!"

Iono couldn't speak and decided to keep running.

"Men! Shoot!!!!!" The officer called. However, someone protected her and saved her with his own body.

"You are… Sekuhara?" Iono asked. "But why?"

Dan Matree spitted blood. "I don't care if you love other men. Iono, you are my Iono. I'll love you no matter what…" he said and passed away.

"You… always loved me… Sekuhara… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed.

All of the policemen and officers looked at the tragic death scene. "She stopped moving! Now it is our chance! Shoot her anyway!!!!!!!!!!" they shot a rain of two hundred bullets and killed Iono. "Yeah! That thief! That will teach her not to steal!!!!"

Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 51- I'm the Baker! And Idan is Part of My Bakery!

  Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them master...