Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 46- Ripping off Myself!


Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them masterfully along with the right item, ability, typing, move set, mechanic, team balance, care and love, and of course brilliant thinking mid battle will lead the trainer into victory!   

"Fuck!!!!" Mason shot with his rifle. "That chicken is insane. It won't die!!!!"  

"I feel like I have déjà vu…" Roland said "Like I've fought against it but it was something else… called Emu or something…"

"Right?! I know!" Dasler said "Could it be… FUCK!!!!"

"Did you remember something?!" Mason asked.

"I feel like we have been in this situation before… we asked for help from the government and they brought a top commander but as part of our training he raped us in the ass!"

"Yeah! I remember it too! But it clearly didn't happen! What's going on?! How could it be that all of us have the same false memory?!"


Shirr and Katsuya were traveling in Kalos. At some point they met with Nog and Matoi and traveled with them.

"I'm so happy for you that you became a couple!" Matoi hugged them. "Did you fuck already?"

"Well… about that…" Shirr was blushing.

About that?!!!!!! Shirr! goddamn you! Shirr and Katsuya fucked at every opportunity that had! I had to suffer looking at them every day. At most of the days it was more than once! And then when I took a break before killing myself and looked at Brazle and Tanimura… guess what?! They fucked most of the time as well! I need to see some gays doing it… I wish that Aaron will go homo for Moho Sama. Amen!

"Well, it is normal." Nog said. "Every couple does it more at the start of the relationship."

The amount of times that Shirr and Katsuya did it is NOT normal!!!!!

At some point in the journey, the four have encountered at someone Pokémon trader who offered an Alolan Graveler to trade for any Pokémon to their liking. The trader's name was Midny. Shirr decided to trade with her, but realized that it didn't evolve to Golem. Midny the monster attached an Everstone to it.

"Why would you do it?!!!!!" Nog shouted. "You get nothing out of that!!!!"

"Seeing the disappointment in the trader's eyes makes me happy!" Midny laughed. "It is the joy in my life!"

"Monster!" Matoi yelled.

"Nog, Matoi, it is okay. Katsuya will trade with me and will help to evolve it later. Right, Katsuya?"

"Of course. It is not a big deal." Katuya nodded.

"I guess you are right…" Matoi said and looked at Nog's eyes.

"Shirr, Katsuya, go ahead. We are going to buy something. We'll catch you on later." Nog said.

"We can wait." Katsuya said.

"Yeah… but it is embarrassing… so go ahead." Nog said.

Shirr and Katsuya went ahead. "It must be that embarrassing… I wonder what they have to hide…" Shirr was wondering.


"Ouchi Ouch!"

"Shitty monster!" Nog kicked her legs.


"This is your punishment!" Matoi punched in her face.

"Ouchi Ouch!!!!!!!!"

Later Midny was taken to a hospital. She will die from her injuries five months later…


During the night Katsuya was dreaming. He was dreaming about his mother. He couldn't picture her face in the dream, but he felt like that his mother cared for him. At his dream his mother sang a song for him, which was cut in the middle of the dream. At the morning he told Shirr about the dream and the song, as it is the single clue they had for finding her. The song went as this:

'Torchic, Torchic, so tiny

Crack, crack your egg and go for me to meet

Eat well until you can evolve into Combusken'

"That's the only a thing you remember?" Shirr asked.

"Yeah. But I wonder if this song is real to begin with. It is very unlikely that a baby that just was born would remember this…"

"I'll believe that. That's the only clue we have."

"Good morning!" Nog and Matoi greeted them as they arrived. "So where are we going?" Nog asked.

"To the GYM at Santalune City." Katsuya answered. But to do that they had to pass through Route 5 which had a bit of an issue…

As Divoc was over, many many people found themselves without a job. Some of them decided to build a farm at the south of Route 5 of Kalos which had a huge area for farming. Skiddo, the goat Pokémon was native to this area. It is a great Pokémon as it covers many needs of farmers. It is very nutritious. It can provide milk, as this is how the species bring up the young to adulthood. Skiddo, and its evolved form Gogoat have some of the best milk of all Pokémon. Not to mention that since all Pokémon hatch from eggs, the farmers bred them for their eggs. If that wasn't enough, due to it being a grass type, Skiddo's meat was meat and a plant at the same time. However, the farmer didn't expect for one other Pokémon to ruin their lives… that Pokémon was Dodrio.


"Shoot that mother fucker!!!!!!"

"I can't aim on three heads at the same time!"

"Just shoot! Dammit!"

Mason shot at one head of the three headed monster, but the two other heads didn't care and kept rampaging.

"Mason was killed in action" Dasler reported to the head of the farm. "What are we gonna do about that?!!!!!"

"Just shoot!!!!!! I don't care how many guns you need! I want you to erase every single Dodrio and Doduo from existence!"

"Your mother gets her income from people who fuck her pussy!!!!!!!!!" Dasler took a rifle and shot twenty bullets at the Dodrios.

"You could have said that his mother is a whore!" Miller shouted.

"But it is funnier to say it this way!!!!!!" he shot again. "Fuck! I'm out of ammo! Retreat!!!!!"


Shirr, Katsuya, and the gay couple have reached to Route 5. They saw that their road to Santalune City was blocked due to the Schnitzel War. The farmer explained that they can't pass until the war is over. The farmers feared for their safety.

"Isn't there something we can do?" Shirr asked.  

"Unless you have an idea how to get rid of those monsters, you can't pass. This is for your safety."

"Wait! I have an idea!" Nog annouced. 'See, this will get rid of them!' he whispered to Matoi.

'Good Idea! So let's bring the ammo!' Matoi whispered back.

"We'll come back in a few more days!" they announced and went to bring the ammo.

"I wonder what kind of 'Ammo' they were talking about…" Katsuya wondered.


They came back three days later!!!!!

"So, what have you brought?" Shirr asked.

"Think about that! We don't want kill Pokémon for nothing! So if Dodrio will become a meal?" Nog said.

"Dodrio's meat tastes like shit." Dasler said.

Matoi spitted the Dodrio schnitzel "Shit! You are right! It tastes awful!"

"Anyway! Who the fuck is going to eat it?!!!!" Dasler screamed.

"They are!" Nog and Matoi summoned a pride of twelve Pyroars; 9 females, and three males. "Eat the Dodrios!!!!!!"

"No! This is a bad idea!!!!! Don't!!!!!!!"

The Pyroars found it easier to hunt all of the Gogoats in the farm due the type advantage. The Gogoats were also more delicious….

"What have you done?!!!!!" Miller screamed "You've destroyed our main source of income in under an hour!!!!!"

"Then now what's the plan?!" Dasler screamed.

"I've brought some special rifles!" Jerry said. "This will kill them! They have powers to shoot electricity, rocks, and ice; Dodrio's weakness!"

They started shooting. "It works! It kills them! But it is not enough! The Dodrio's are still stronger than us! We need some help!"

"Stop!" one guy with long green hair said.

"Did you come to aid us?! Join us, brother!" Jerry called.

"No! I've came to stop you. I've heard about the massacre you do on the poor Dodrios! I won't let you harm them!" the guy named N said.

"Miller! Call an ambulance!" Jerry said.

"An ambulance… I don't understand…" N said.

"Soon you will!" Jerry and Dasler pushed N to the ground "Will you pay for our crops?! Of course you won't!" they kicked him non-stop for five minutes. N was taken to the hospital as soon as the ambulance arrived.

"Then let's keep shooting!" Miller said. He shot for five minutes and soon the special rifles were out of ammo. "Shit! Now what do now?!"

"I have enough of this!" a voice of a woman was heard. "Go! Zapdos!" she called. The Zapdos easily killed all of the Dodrios with its amazing electric powers. The woman came out of the smoke of her massacre. She was wearing a short dress under her long coat. She was 35 years old and had spiky and long green hair; her hair length was a bit shorter than Miakko's and Brazle's hair. She had a scar that went from her left eyebrow up to her neck. Her name was Kamidori Sayoko. Shirr was gazing at the woman.

"What happened?" Sayoko asked. "You are gazing me as if you've seen a ghost."

"We are just impressed by how you defeated the Dodrio so easily. Not to mention you own a Legendary Pokémon." Katsuya said.

"That's not it! I'm sure I've seen her somewhere…" Shirr said.

"Well, we might have met somewhere." Sayoko said. "I've traveled all over the world for years. There is a decent chance we've seen each other."

"We should get moving. No more Dodrios, nothing to stop us" Nog said. "Shirr, Katsuya, let's move."

"Katsuya…" Sayoko mumbled "I've seen too many people with this name to believe it is him…"

Writer Notes:

This chapter was based on "The Great Schnitzel War" chapter from Homo Sama no Daibouken. Kind of… The idea for this chapter for a war based on The Great Emu War in real life came was planned way before for a Pokémon story than I've planned to write it for "Homo Sama no Daibouken". However, since I've written Homo Sama no Daibouken first, I've ripped off myself. Hence the name of the chapter.           

Kamidori Sayoko's Design, by me


Pokémon Furukawa- Chapter 51- I'm the Baker! And Idan is Part of My Bakery!

  Hit Points, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed: Those exist in every Pokémon. Using them master...